FOSS Database Systems

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
In my ongoing quest to find a free, web-based database system with customizable front-end, I stumbled across Glom, a PostreSQL backend Database system using a GTK frontend. It modeled loosely after the Proprietary FileMaker. It's not exactly what I want, but the backend is something worth looking at, and It may be possible to create a web-based frontend (someone already proposed a Web UI).

Anyone know of similar systems that care to share? I'm looking for something like FileMaker (but not propietary garbage) and written in PHP...


  • DabbleDB also accomplishes everything I need to run it on a private server. This is a requirement as some of the information my clients will be working with are confidential...

    I sure hope people can use some of these resources here, I feel like I'm talking to myself :)
  • Heidi SQL gives a nice front-end to MySql databases on Windows systems
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