Apparently there are some big names here in the Vanilla community...

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
We have someone who works for Google here, someone who works on the Drupal CMS, and who knows what else... Seems like Vanilla has some reach.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I met Emelio Estevez one time. I was like

  • Nice. You can't beat meeting the coach of the Mighty Ducks.
  • You can add a KDE webmaster (who is currently in hiatus though) to that list. :)
  • Wow...see what I mean.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    I was kidding about Emelio. Sorry. But I used to work at Microsoft. Does that count? Oh, and we have a member on here who was one of the main dudes behind Atom. I dunno. At the end of the day I'm just glad about three things: 1. Vanilla was finally released after working on it and thinking about it for so long. 2. Everyone from experts to noobs seem to like it. 3. I feel like I've got a great community of people here who are as excited and supportive of it as me.
  • Mark how old are you? How did you get a job at MS so young? (maybe you aren't as young as I'm thinking, but judging by your pictures you posted, I'd say 25, 26?)
  • most of the pictures i've seen are a couple of years old but i think that age is roughly correct. There isnt an age limit for jobs at MS i'm sure. He didnt say what it was he actually did... (though it was programming, it could easily have been toilet cleaning)
  • edited August 2005
    I thought he did some work on asp or something? I could be wrong. I can tell you there is more than just one Drupal developer in here. I am not sure what some of the others signed up as. I don't think they are active here. Just lurkers... want to steal your ideas. I am SERIOUSLY thinking of jumping ship. I love it here. I think it is much more friendly, and I can see much potential. I would like to be here from the start. I missed the first year of two at Drupal, and that was when all the fun was had. It is all very serious over there now. (I would never give up using Drupal though. Just might stop being an active developer. At least for the short term)
  • I'm no big name. I'm just a lowly data center tech...
  • didn't we have Shaun Inman for a while? Or was that a faker? (I don't know how to spell that... sorry).
  • edited August 2005 I thought so. And this: From his site.
  • Jason Fried(?) (basecamp) applied but Mark ignored him because he couldnt work out where he knew the name from. I dunno if he's here now..
  • mark... how could you? I did a quick search and he is not here. At least under that name.
  • there were a lot of applicants at the time and mark knew vanilla wasnt quite ready for so many people so he just ignored them. by the time he got round to clearing them out he thought it was too late to approve him.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I turn 30 next month. I got the job at MS when I was 26. I don't know who shauninman is. I feel dumb for saying that. I'm glad ppl like nathan are wanting to stay. I think it will be a very fun ride. Mini is right about not approving Jason. I feel dumb for not approving him, though.
  • I want to stay! If anyone cares...everyone loves mini's friendly face and inability to leave a single discussion on the entire board unread!
  • we love you mini!
  • who are these "famous" people and how can i douche them?
  • FLCFLC New
    edited August 2005
    jonezy, there is this one guy.... uhhh.... Jon Ezy (though his username is one word)

    Douche him...
  • +1 for douching Jon Ezy
This discussion has been closed.