You can always run both, just use different ports for the web server if you want to keep IIS for something else like ASP. I've always had trouble getting IIS to play with anything.
If you havent tried it you'd be amazed how difficult it is trying to convince IIS to share anything, i made the mistake of installing wamp at work and now IIS refuses to play with anything at all and i have no idea how to fix it.
Thats part of the reason i want to work out how to setup php on IIS because then when i can work out how to fix it i'll know what to do. I need both though cause i code in php but SUS requires IIS.
If anyone could fix my IIS at work there'd be a small sum of money in it for them.
Is it simply that you have WAMP's Apache running on Port 80 and that is conflicting with IIS? WAMP is a fairly isolated install so it shouldn't mess with IIS in any other way, it just has it's directory and the registry entries for the Windows Services and that is it.
What is SUS by the way?
sus = software update services. Like windows update but your client pc's use your LAN server - much more control and much less bandwidth used. Or thats the theory.
And initially i tried running both services on the same ip/port which was somewhat foolish of me. Since then i moved wamp to a different ip but IIS still bitched because even though i defined it to only run on one IP it decided it wanted to bind to all of them. Even when i moved one to port 8080 (which i really didnt want to do anyway) it still didnt work.
I suspect there's probably something wrong with my IIS setup somewhere but i have read a lot of articles on the internet complaining what a whore IIS is with regards to sharing between other HTTPD's
but you're not a retard. This is me we're talking about.
thing is, IIS in general is now entirely fucked on my server, it wont even uninstall.
What can i do about that?
yeah. now you're seeing my issues.
Even if i could take it down for a weekend i'm not sure I'm actually capable of reinstalling it myself. Fool gave me a shit load of help the first time round.
kill inetinfo
If you have the admin tools installed that should work, if not download this.