So my friend just got broadband and wants to know how to download music free



  • <i>man, i got fed of with slsk because nobody was ever on! i could never find anything! i mean, i know i like obscure music, but c'mon!!</i> running a firewall, perhaps? i listen to a lot of music that's never stepped foot out of germany but i find it without trouble on slsk, as well as really obscure american shit like Hasil Adkins.
  • I use SLSK just because I can find the craziest shit there ever, people who use SLSK are usually music enthusiasts and often artists themselfs.
  • i agree, for people who don't listen to truly obscure music, and are willing to chat irc would be ok. me? i do leave the computer, don't care about being 1337, and am into stuff that not everyone has. you can get some stuff from certain newsgroups, but the easiest way for many obscure things tends to be soulseek if becuase it is easy.
  • is still my fav. easiest way to get albums if you're into anything of the variety.
  • edited December 2005 EDIT: Holy crap Geocities.
  • i use soulseek, could never fault it, always has what i'm looking for.
  • My simple intro to bit-torrent for any non-techy mates is

    Download and install Azureus

    Then search using, searches about 10 different torrent sites including torrentspy and mininova.

    As long as there aren't any router or firewall problems then that's it really.
  • To be honest i've found bearshare kills for just about any kind of MP3, you just have to run Ad-aware and Spybot Search and Destroy right after to kill off all the spyware that installs with the free version. If she has no virus protection try the free version of AVG Anti-virus, its great (considering its free) It runs and updates automatically so it's perfect for inexperienced users - grab it here
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