A few theming/styling questions

KrakKrak New
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have begun work on a new theme/style (whichever you prefer). While diggin through some posts and what not, I've come accross some saying how things might change with theming scheme and so forth. Will these be major changes, or minor? Do you know or is it still to be determined? I ask cause I was wondering if I should hold off on the actual coding until the next release (with the changes). Or is the next release not for a while, and I should just go ahead with it? If I make the theme now and changes are made to Vanilla will I have to start over, or will I only have to make a few changes here and there? Anything you can tell me would be great. Oh, and Mark, great work. I love Vanilla, was kind of sketchy at first, but now im in <3.


  • There is no set date on the next release, and before it is released the forum goes through beta testing. I'd call this versions "skins" styles, and the next ones themes, since there will be an actual templating system. I'm pretty sure that if you make a theme now, you will learn much about making themes for Vanilla and you can make the next one for the new version even faster and better.
  • Lucky I checked before I posted my reply. I was about to say the same things you just mentioned. You will be able to edit the xhtml AS WELL as the css in the next rev which is a big theming/ templating plus.
  • Ok, thats pretty much all what I had figured. I will go forward with the "style". Thanks.
  • not a problem.
  • /me marches around
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    So I started, heck, almost finished with it... Heres some screenies..



    I am thinkin of adding some sort of image header, and maybe a gradient background or something.... not sure yet. There also might be a few things I missed, I need to get my forum errors resolved so I can open it up and have people test it.
  • looks a bit like dirt :D
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    Does it? Havent used it, maybe I'll have to go look at it. I made it to match my site.... http://hatethis.org/
  • heh, I guess it does resemble dirt. I still like mine better :D (and I think its a tad easier to read)
  • i think red on black is hard to read under any circumstance. It does look nice though. good work.
  • I'm more on the side of subtle pastell colors and minor variations in the color theme, it is soothing.
  • I am with you Kosmo. But, each to their own. Some people like a darker colo(u)r scheme.
  • depends wholey on the shade of red. along with some subtle contrast of what kind of grey, it has to be dark otherwise it tends to blur and blend, but it's not obnoxiously sticking out. Also to be used in moderation :D
  • I prefer nice light colour schemes, finding many different shades of black is quite hard, while on the default vanilla theme you can have light blue, light yellow, light pink and all sorts.
  • "... I see a Vanilla theme and I want to paint it black"
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    Yeah I get what your saying, but I made it to match the rest of my site. Cant have a bright shiny pastel colored forum style when the rest of the site is dark greys/reds and such....wouldnt look right if you ask me. But thats also why you can change your own style! (usually anyways) Since I moved from San Jose, to Roseville my computer is in a much brighter location, which does make it hard to see things during the day. I will probably be switching color schemes soon, built this to just get rid of the pink/purple/yellow for now. But I *plan* on making a lot more styles, not just to match my site, in the future. http://forum.hatethis.org - Stop by, check out the theme, toss any suggestions out if you have any (or post em here). Check out the normal site too, you'll see what I mean by matching... http://hatethis.org
  • Oh lordy, that bright red text actually hurts my head. I'm glad I'm not one of your forum members :D It's not that it doesn't look good, it's just that my eyes are very sensitive to colors and contrasts.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2005
    lol.... I have no forum members :( Well "if I make it, tthey will come", maybe I'll get some if I toss out some more styles, and themes when they are available.
  • Don't feel bad, neither do I, I don't even have a single comment on my blog, even tho I have a nice amount of daily activity on my site.
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