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Hehehe. he

KrakKrak New
edited 2005 29 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Im drunk.


  • at 4:40pm on a monday? SHAME on you! *hides bottle of vodka*
  • howd you ,klnow what I was drinking? ah, its only 12:06a here (cali). And no job, so now worky in morning.
  • Cos you said you were drunk, so I put 2 and 2 together and got "alcohol"
  • I am so glad you decided to tell us about your current condition :D
  • I had nothing else to do at the moment, and no one to talk to. People kept putting up their away signs, no one wants to talk to a babbling drunk I guess. haha.
  • first Mini, now Krak. who wants to place their bets on who creates an "I'm ripped" thread? /me will wait and see.
  • i created mine after someone created one pre-empting mark coming in drunk. And i think that was you. Dont try and put me as the source of this evil binge!
  • Found the bottle again.
  • where do you work? your boss must be very understanding (or dumb) if you go to work hung over every other day.
  • No job at the moment. Thats also why I am here all day.
  • Ah. That's fine then. Have FUN!
  • lol
  • what work WERE you in?
  • I worked at UPS a few years back. Then got into cabling. Voice, data, and anything low voltage. Mostly phones, phone systems, and computer networks. Think SBC+Comcast. My last job was at an auto parts warehouse, but had to quit, I just moved from San Jose to Roseville (Cali). Now, I am awaiting a response from UPS, trying to go back.
  • Ah. I don't know the places you talk about. I live in Australia, so... yeah. Auto parts sounds cool.
  • Never heard of UPS? They are world wide. United Parcel Service, "what can brown do for you?" I'm sure youve heard of UPS. SBC is the major phone company/internet, Comcast does all the cable TV, and internet.
  • I have heard of UPS (not so reliable in AUS though. A little slow for international postage), and SBC. I am more interested in Auto Parts, rather than post. Sorry.
  • SBC sucks... they just charged me $60 for shit that was broken on their side of the line... fuckers.
  • ha.
  • Yeah SBC sucks. When I was doing the field tech stuff we had to call them constantly to get our customers out of needless charges...Another thing that is retarded about SBC - the field techs (SBC's own employees) had to call the same support line and sit throught the same crap as everyone else when doing their job... Those phone calls last like up to three hours (1hr minimum).
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