File structure for domain
I successfully installed Vanilla under my domain. That domain also has three WP blogs, the top level one is
As installed and when clicking the "discussions" tab it redirects to my top level blog vice Vanila discussion. The URL when redirected is
When I manually add /index.php in the browser (ie it will correctly call up the discussions page.
I checked the settings page and .php file and they both contain the /index.php section. What do I need to edit to correct this problem.
On a secondary problem: I also installed Vanilla on my home box. (to play with CSS etc offline) It was manually installed and as a result It never requested the entery of a name and password for me as the administrator.
Any ideas on how to correct this?
Thanks Marc
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line 30:
define("agDOMAIN", "");
that should fix it from going to the wrong area upon sucessful login.
instead of the slash being there to form the proper directory structure. else it would throw a 404 or land you outside your intended destination. that is if I'm reading all of this right (sorry tired as hell). typically the trailing slash (depending on the nature) is a good thing.
// Application Settings
define("agAPPLICATION_TITLE", "Full Throttle Forum");
define("agBANNER_TITLE", "Full Throttle Forum");
define("agDEFAULT_STYLE", "styles/vanilla/");
define("agDOMAIN", "");
define("agSAFE_REDIRECT", "signin.php?PageAction=SignOut");
define("agDISCUSSIONS_PER_PAGE", "30");
define("agDISCUSSIONS_PER_FEED", "20");
define("agCOMMENTS_PER_PAGE", "50");
define("agSEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE", "30");
define("agCOOKIE_DOMAIN", "");
define("agSUPPORT_EMAIL", "");
define("agSUPPORT_NAME", "Marc");
define("agALLOW_NAME_CHANGE", "1");
define("agPUBLIC_BROWSING", "1");
define("agUSE_CATEGORIES", "1");
define("agLOG_ALL_IPS", "0");
does it need the"www"?
define("agDOMAIN", "");
take out the index.phprestore everything else in the /appg folder except your settings.php.