I have it, but rarely use it. Only when there's work involved or something needs to be communicated directly, otherwise I'm using teamspeak for games more than I use skype.
Never used Skype. I have used Google Talk, works pretty good I might add. Super simple, even for non-advanced users, and sounds great.
Other than that Im a Ventrilo kinda guy. I hate Teamspeak, but Im also a Windows only user.
tried it yesterday for the first time, seemed easy enough but as my laptop is hooked up to my hifi it's a bit weird hearing your mate coming out over huge speakers :-?
I have used google talk, but IMO it is the same as the talk feature on iChat (AIM) or MSN.
Skype was one of the original VoIP services, and I use it often. It is really handy for FREE overseas conversation. Google talk still doesn't have the features that Skype can offer.
Google has not re-invented the wheel. They have just made Jabber popular again.
skype is free, the only costs incurred are if you decide to make a skype to fixed number call, otherwise you can call all of your other friends who already have and are using skype. The only thing I dislike is the style which is used for text chat. It seems rather lacking in that area but otherwise it's an alright program.
Krak: yes i have used it and its fine. its just a lightweight version of skype imo so why would i want to downgrade myself :x
lech: im sure you have already but have you tried using the irc style chat?
just an extra fact that some of ye might not know already but you can actually get phones now for skype. an actual phone that you plug into your pooter (via usb i think) and it works just like a normal phone.
I haven't used SKYPE, but I have used Google Talk with some of my friends, and Ventrilo when we play (teehee). Besides, I don't have anyone so far away I could call that I REALLY needed something like SKYPE.
yeah nag. Shame that phone is £85 or i'd probably get one. Its also a shame you cant transfer existing landline numbers over to skype.
And its also a shame your pc needs to be on (though its very rare mine isnt..but it could get a little frustrating)
Perhaps i should knock up a 400mhz/128meg nix box to serve voip for me...or just find a different provider and stick asterix on my dedi..but then i'd have to pay for calls =\
What i *really* need is to be able to plug the phone into the usb port of my router.
Skype works perfectly. I also have Skype In, by the way, (321) 285-7363 and Skype Out (dialing to regular phone numbers, not only Skype users). A voicemail and caller ID is also part of the plan.
I bought a USB phone which I use for Skype and Google Talk, just like a regular phone.
lech: im sure you have already but have you tried using the irc style chat?
just an extra fact that some of ye might not know already but you can actually get phones now for skype. an actual phone that you plug into your pooter (via usb i think) and it works just like a normal phone.
heres the cordless one that you can get
I bought a USB phone which I use for Skype and Google Talk, just like a regular phone.
Skype got some accesories too (USB phones included)