Does anyone here use Skype?



  • Yeah, what can I do? I am just that easy. :-)
  • nag, yeah, im familiar with all the options, it just looks a bit crude to me and it's not that pretty. Overall basic. Call me picky, but I just don't like the way it renders things. To be brutaly honest, the mac version looks 100x nicer than any other :/ I would like to find a beefy pocket PC device with wifi capabilities to throw skype on and just carry with me. Plug in one of those nifty cellphone headset/mics and it's golden.
    edited September 2005
    i do agree but i prefer the irc style chat for skype purposes. it still is pretty shit tbh but i dont really care seen as how i dont use it as an IM client, just for VoIP

    but on another note i use TS a lot more than skype seen as how i play so much UT and have so many mates who i play with online. and, in fact, im actually on it atm ^^ TS server query [/blatent pimpage]
  • Hmm, so Skype is just VoIP with some downsides... Why not just use Vonage? Computer doesnt have to be on, and it sounds like its the same deal. Never tried Skype, dont really have a reason to. I used Google Talk when I was trying to get my brother on voice for gaming. He cant be bothered to do anything other than about 3 clicks to get something to work. Ventrilo/Teamspeak was out of the question, GTalk was a one click thing. Worked perfectly, and he uses it without getting pissed off or uninterested. Yeah, hes a punk.
  • nag so true, however skype isn't exactly optimized for gamers since it does use a bit more bandwidth and you can only have 5 people conference in at once. krak, im sure once they have a solid hardware system down to back it, it can't be too far off. I've heard some crazy horror stories from people who've used vonage. Honestly though I see voip hardware rather pointless all together if you have cheap phone and dsl bundled. because after all, if you have both, why switch everything to one system. Then when you lose your internet connection for whatever reason say on cable, you're totally fucked.
  • lech: which is why im on TS \o/
  • Thats exactly my point when I talk to people about it. My parents have Vonage and have a few issues with it. It drops on occassion or something. And no 911 (well there is but its not 100%), power goes out so does the phone. Cable goes down, so does the phone... I use my cell.
  • nag, your ts server is passworded last time i checked :P
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