What are you looking for...

KrakKrak New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
What are you looking for in a style? What colors? Anything specific? Something in a different location? What? Feed me.


  • Black and oraange and green and some other images I have. I can't be arsed making it (I don't have time), but I have an awsome JUNGLE theme in mind.
  • If you want some images, let me know.


    I've been working on a theme myself. I really like clever CSS tricks though. I've been experimenting with adding them to the forum. I'm failing.
  • like what tricks are you thinking? or is that secret ;-) i was thinking about making a stylesheet that keeps the side panel fixed top left of the screen. only problem is for people who's side panel is bigger than their screen!
  • If I don't pull the tricks off then I'll ask here if anyone knows how to do it :)

    I'll try and keep them secret up till then so it'll be something different in a style I hope.

    I'm looking forward to the XHTML editing aspect of the next version. I've got some ideas for that. Hopefully we can really go to town on the edits.
  • Easy to read.
  • I'm waiting for the next release to roll out to properly redo dirt and sky, however, I look for clean and easy to read styles using some proper fonts :D
  • Once we get a look at the templating system, I'm intending to make a theme to match my sites design, and also one which mimics a rather well known commercial forum software, just for kicks.
  • and also one which mimics a rather well known commercial forum software, just for kicks.
    Im sure that would help bring people to Vanilla that are a little hesitant because of how it looks/its layout.
  • I'm definately a fan of lighter styles. It's too easy to get bogged down in black/grey styles, where as the lighter colours are much more enjoyable to read for long periods of time. Whites and light greys with highlight colours.
  • hey Krak > you still up for a challenge?
  • Whatcha got?
  • http://lostflight815.co.uk - matching theme would be nice. I'm too busy to look at it at the mo.
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