Foreign characters and Friendly URLs problem

I am using the Friendly URLs extension and I noticed the following problem.
In Romanian language we use two special characters (among others):
- Ș (s comma below: Ș and ș )
- Èš (t comma below: Ț and ț )
Let's say the name of a forum discussion is "Discuții". The resulting "friendly URL" should be something like: www.your-website/vanilla/discussion/12/discutii (the "ț" must be replaced with "t"). However in Vanilla the URL becomes: www.your-website/vanilla/discussion/12/discuii (notice the missing "t"). Same thing happens with "Ș": instead of being converted to "S", it disappears.
Any idea how to fix this problem?
PS: I set UTF-8 everywhere I could find encoding settings for Vanilla and the database. Other accented characters are converted properly.
Is your hack valid for Vanilla 2? I can't seem to find the file/function you've specified.
/p.s. şi totuşi dacă mai sunt români, a încercat cineva să localizeze versiunea a 2-a?