Google set eyes on world domination

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First there was the "Google buying dark fiber" and now providing a free WiFi for San Francisco. Google is fast becoming company with their hands on everything internet communications, how long will it take before they challenge mobilephone operators and bring their own phone that supports Google talk natively. Well, I sure hope they start to provide free toiletpaper with "ads by goooooogle".


  • not getting involved - eh lech! eh, eh! ;)
  • It's a great way to power their ads program. If they're providing the access then they have wonderful views of peoples surfing patterns etc. Fantastic.
  • Personally, I have seen no real harm of all the free stuff they're offering. And honestly, it's really up to the end user to use and abuse their free systems after all. If they're offering free wifi all over the place for whatever use, I'm not at all bothered by that, in fact I personally invite our new overlords.
  • I want them to move to Australia, so that Sydney can get free WiFi also. *sniff*
  • google just gotta make sure they don't turn into a 'microsoft' type corporation.
  • just imagine if google and microsoft merged. I'm 95% sure there are laws preventing it and it would be in neither companies interest. But imagine the possibilities.
  • *tries to imagine They would run the digital communications market. But I would say that google is MORE widespread than Microsoft. Google is used not only by Windows users, but almost everyone else connected to the net also, regardless of operating system. It would be crazy though. I also aggree that there are laws preventing either company merging to prevent a market manopoly (not that there already isn't)
  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2005

    It would be scary. If Google bought/merged with MS thats one thing. And if MS bought/merged with Google, thats another thing, and that would be the bad one.

    EDIT: lol, had to edit and use Markdown. Otherwise "bought/merged" popped out the /me function.

  • if google bought ms, that would be one thing, if ms bought google, that would be fucking scary.
  • aggreed. I think Microsofts' day has come. They have really spent heaps of money on Vista, and I don't think it is going to be the hit they want it to be. I don't think MS is in a possition to take over Google. Not at this stage anyway.
  • From what I hear, its gonna take a hefty video card just to run Vista (with its goodies) decently. But if your not going to use the "goodies", whats the point of Vista? I dont think Vista is gonna be a big hit either. Looks like its just a XP reload with a bunch of Eye Candy.
  • I think you need a 256meg viedeo card and like 2gig of ram as minimum to run vista. So stupid.
  • Google Inc. took a step toward challenging Microsoft Corp.'s dominance of computer software with the announcement Tuesday of a collaboration agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc. The move could lead to Google offering next-generation word processing, spreadsheet and collaboration tools that would take on Microsoft's industry-leading Office suite of software. But for now its significance may be mostly as a symbolic shot across Microsoft's bow, signaling Google's intention of attacking the world's biggest software company head on. Aside from a plan to offer Google's toolbar program with downloads of Java software, details of the agreement were scant. Though it could lead to a new pipeline for Sun software to millions of computers, there was no firm commitment. Some downplayed the announcement as a publicity stunt that probably would not have occurred had Google CEO Eric Schmidt not spent 14 years of his career working at Sun under CEO Scott McNealy. The alliance would be a boon for Sun if Google had promised to buy some of the company's sophisticated computers, but no ironclad commitments were announced. "There really isn't much depth to this partnership," said industry analyst Rob Enderle. "I think Eric is doing this as personal favor for Scott," he said. "It provides a certain amount of press and visibility to Sun when there hasn't been very many positive things going on at the company." Sun's shares edged up a penny Tuesday to close at $4.20 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, where Google's shares fell $7.68 to finish at $311. Microsoft's shares lost 52 cents, or 2.04 percent, to close at $24.98. As part of the agreement, Sun will offer Google's search toolbar with downloads of its free Java software, which is required to run a variety of Web-based applications and works with multiple operating systems. The two companies, which did not disclose terms of the deal, said they also agreed "to explore opportunities to promote" other Sun technologies, including the freely available OpenOffice. OpenOffice, an offshoot of Sun's StarOffice, is a leading challenger to the ubiquitous Office suite, a major cash cow for Microsoft. Both offer a word processor and spreadsheet among other applications. "OpenOffice is already an alternative, but if Google gets involved in supporting it, that could be the thing that puts it over the top," said Forrester Research analyst John R. Rymer. Neither McNealy nor Schmidt would say when or how Google might distribute Sun's software. Both said the Google toolbar option for Java downloads — the toolbar provides quick access to Google search, spell checking and a popup-ad blocker — is just a first step in a significant agreement. "We only want to talk about what we're talking about here now ... we expect more," McNealy said. Microsoft did not immediately comment. OpenOffice could provide a vehicle for Google to diversify its sales, which are driven almost exclusively by online advertising. So-called office productivity software generates more than $10 billion in annual sales, estimated Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney. "We believe this creates a potentially interesting new revenue opportunity for Google," Mahaney wrote in a research note Tuesday. The deal could eventually boost the fortunes of programs that work on multiple operating systems, eating into Microsoft's profits from its dominant Windows computing environments. Increasingly, many of the applications that computer users value most — such as news and weather tickers — run as Web services independent of the operating systems on their computers. Java is a backbone of those Web services, along with Microsoft's .NET architecture. Since it was launched a decade ago, Java has been used to power Web-based applications, standalone programs, cell phones and other gadgets across a variety of computer operating systems. A key component of Sun's decade-old Java, its application-running platform, was the source of one of many rifts between Microsoft and Sun over the years. Sun first sued the world's top software maker in 1997, claiming the Redmond, Wash., company rewrote elements of Java specific to Windows. Later, Microsoft said it would yank Java entirely from its ubiquitous software. The wrangling ended in spring 2004, when the companies surprised the world with a $1.95 billion settlement and 10-year collaboration agreement. Both Sun and Google share the common root of Stanford University. Sun — short for Stanford University Network — was founded there in the 1980s, while Google got its start there in the 1990s. And one of Sun's co-founders, Andy Bechtolsheim, gave Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin $100,000 in 1998 to incorporate their young search company. Sun has lost $4.5 billion since June 2001, although the Santa Clara, Calif.-based company has recently started to show signs of recovery.
  • While Sun has been struggling, Google's fortunes have steadily risen. Though best known as a search engine, it now offers free e-mail, maps, instant messaging, video and last week announced it wants to provide free Wi-Fi to San Francisco.

    This was posted on Yahoo news about 1 hour ago.
    Sorry I had to post it over two comments. Too much text.

    here is a link Yahoo news doesn't stick around long, so I posted the text.

    Looks good!
  • But basically it's world domination between Google and me, and world domination is hard work and I'm lazy, so I'm happy to give Google a shot at it, if they don't get it working I suppose that I have to rule the world with my iron grip. *drops juice box* DAMN MY GIRLISH GRIP!
  • Krak, from what I'm told now, MS might actually be putting back their new filing system into vista supposedly. But other than that, yeah, it's not much more than a reworked XP with a glassed over interface plastered into 3D with all the bells and whistles. While it does look nice, I don't see any gain by making me upgrade nearly my entire system (which is now only a year old) all over again. Frankly, I'd wish Apple would seriously open up OSX onto all current P4's and beyond, crush the need for windows dependance all together I say. I also don't see the significance of Google putting stock into Open Office. Unless of course the move is to bolster a better more supportive software suite, then hell, I'm all for it. It looks like some payback gesture for SUN investing 100k into googles durring their early years. Either way it might be promising. What's next? Google OS?
  • Well, it's not even a secret of anykind, that MS pushed IBMs OS/2 Warp from the market, so if somehow Google would get the big guns Sun, Apple and themselfs to the PC SO market and SHOVE IT to MS, I'd be on the front row giggling like a little girl with pigtails and cotton candy.
  • lech - i cant tell from your post whether or not you're aware of the intentiones behind open office investments, but i do believe the plan is to turn it online and develop some kind of web accessible office suite. Thats what i got from the news reports anyway, not sure how it would work but it certainly sounds intreaguing. Google OS could be fun. Just imagine all those O's.
  • Mini, yeah, I've heard great reviews from friends and peers about OO, and have been tempted to give it a whirl myself. But there's nothing in my line of development that even requires ANY kind of office software so I haven't even gotten around to trying it out. It even looks less flakey than MS office without all the retarded XP-like interface changes. Not sure what they have in mind though for the web-accessible version, I just hope to god it's not written in java. Java makes baby jesus bawl.
  • Its interesting and might be good for Google to get into all this, and maybe even an OS...I think a Google Browser is next. But I think once Google has dominated, and has control over half the shit we use, its gonna turn ugly.
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