Google set eyes on world domination



  • lech, me thinks that OOo is already written in Java, either that or the code is written with a pair of mittens, since it works so slowwwww, sooooo slowwwww sloooooow! But I agree with you, if they make the online version and they make it with Java, they are only going to piss people. Krak, Google has been pretty big speaker on syndication, standards and other that kind of shit, so I'm not so sure that they'll make another half-assed browser, instead, I think that they are either going to buy one of the current ones OR start jointly working with one.
  • I don't think it's written in java at the moment, instead they're probably just using cross-platform libraries. Otherwise you would be required to install java and all that other crap with it. Which I wouldn't do since every single time I've installed sun java it's caused some type of infection on my system due to virus's sneaking out of the sandbox.
  • Why would google release a browser? Firefox is just fine. In fact, google quite likes firefox, I believe.

    As for the Google + OpenOffice thing...imagine having boundless internet storage for office documents. And online collaboration. I have no insider information on this one (not that I could tell you if I did...lousy NDA), but that would be my guess for that one.

    I don't see it as so much of a "killing microsoft" sort of thing as a lot of "journalists" will report it. I see it more as we want to make the coolest, best tools available for everyone.

    But I am by no means a spokesperson for the company. Just the humble opinion of little 'ol me.
  • Wow, it's quite amazing that google has finally ported out the google toolbar and hosted it themselves with all the features you find in the normal one. Kudo's to google for doing that finally, I missed it so. As for google pushing firefox, that's no suprise and has been known for quite some time even before it was public. There's a ton of smart people over at google doing the right things and pushing towards freedom in the right areas. I just hope they keep it up.
  • Ok, I take it back, it's the same old google toolbar by the previous developers which doesn't function entirely the same as the one in IE did. I can't get rid of some of these buttons or add any other customized buttons to that toolbar. What a waste of space :/
  • I hate any add-on toolbars. The browser is good enough.
  • Interesting.
  • I thought this was their master plan (zoom for full world domination details)
  • whoa, what the deuce?
  • That's the new google feed reader :)
  • Nice.
  • Wow, a google feed reader now as well? I personally love google. I used to have a real thing against monopolies and companies that became absolutely massive, but I've taken a different stance on Google. I suppose it's because I genuinely find all of their services useful. Gmail is great because it does it so differently compared to other services (much like how vanilla works actually). Maps is fantastic and has actually helped me out loads of times (even down here in the UK). Images is particularly useful. And Video looks set to be just a bit of fun. Also, you're not really forced to use Google as you are forced to use, say Windows (yes, I know you can use any other operating system, but most offices have windows installed and there's not much you can do about that). If I wanted to, I could happily use the web without using any of google's services at all, you have a choice. That said, I do think that there is a bit too much fanboyism developing regarding google. Google talk is a good example of this, a lot of people praise it's simplicity but really, it's just a bit rubbish :P
  • Lech, you can add/remove any of the google toolbar buttons in firefox. Just go to customize... under the normal toolbars and you can add/remove everything just like the rest of the firefox buttons.

    And that google feedreader is neat. I saw that like a month ago. =)
  • kaa--google talk will get better. trust me. =)
  • I like google talk as it is. The lack of emoticons and other such rubbish is a major boon for me. The only way it could improve for me is if it allows me to log into MSN etc so I don't have to get my friends to change programs OR leave MSN installed.
  • david, yeah, you can remove some, but not all of them, the one i want to get rid of most is the little input/comb box but it's fixed in there. as well as not being able to add anything else (other extensions/buttons) into the same bar. That alone renders it kind of a space waster not worthy of my firefox :D I've got other extensions which do most of the jobs I need for it either way :D
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