The only time my browser isn't maximised is when I'm at work and I'm reading forums and don't want the boss to see. Normally though it's at full 1600*1200 at work. 1280*1024 at home
heh lech - to be fair on s2k3, people laugh at me and its still not quite as compatable as it needs to be, but it's definately much more stable than XP - mines been on just over 2 weeks and is still going really strong unlike XP which died after a week. And by default it doesnt have any theming whatsoever.
Whether or not the uncomptability would fuck you off depends what kind of peripherals you have i guess.
yeah, it's one of the MS downfalls. compatibility, whether it's hardware or software drive me away or drive me crazy in the long run. Because there's some things that work in XP vs 2k and vice versa, so far I've been happy running 2k as XP is simply a bastardized version of 2k and the only thing I can't run in 2k is a silly little webcam, vs a few applications I would need to upgrade to run in XP, the trade-off here is staying in 2k and kicking XP. That may change in the future though as I'm slowly upgrading everything.
To each their own. I like XP, have no issues with it. Runs superb. Never crashes. No problems here. Software works just fine also. I must have the special "magical" setup.
i only changed to xp pro this week as i built a new pc and felt it was probably time to make the switch. have to say though that 2k was really good for me and i wouldn't hesitate to switch back if xp starts to give me problems.
as for my own resolution... i run 16x12 but i have to say i rarely max firefox. quite often i like to be able to see a couple of windows at the same time. e.g. google talk
lol krak - xp didnt seem to crash as such but it just seemed to slow down..i'm not sure. This is still as fast as it was a few days after boot and i expect a slight slow down as i get all my apps running. Fingers crossed it doesnt decide to do a security update and reboot itself again =\.
lech - software compatability doesnt seem to be such an issue - i got my webcam working on 2k3 which i had troubles with on XP (though i've had it fine before, my last 2 xp installs didnt like it) - i find the 'compatability mode' surprisingly competant at keeping older software versions running well. The main issue i have is that 2k3 *hates* the idea of having a bluetooth stack - it works, but its not willing to co-operate with the proper drivers. Which is a little annoying.
I'm slowly growing to hate MS and Windows all together and have been researching my alternatives. The hype is dying and "vista" seems a bit short-sighted, so either I'll be jumping between 2k/xp or eventually saving up for that mac to get work done while keeping a cheap pc around for gaming and such. I've been researching all my alternatives lately and so far, windows is looking bleak.
But hey, lets get this topic back on track, shall we? :D
heh. I must say i'm very tempted to get a mac, but i'm still not convinced about compatability and suchlike. And theyre very expensive for my needs. Hum.
Topics? On track? I think you're on the wrong forum dear...
So why not use linux and dual boot windows for gaming? As far as I am concerned, Macs were (are) never an option. I mean, its a Mac. And they are too fucking pricey. i can buy a car, or a Mac. No upgrades, limited software. Im sure support sucks too. I hate Macs. And if you really really wanted OSX or Tiger, or whatever they are calling it nowadays, you can run it on a PC (dunno how well).
Linux is free.
There was a topic?
OSX is rather nice, and suprisingly, many more games are supportive of it these days unlike os9, frankly because of the underlying bsd/nix system with a pretty candy shell. So the switch to mac is a better option than it was before. Yeah, you're right, what topic?
also, I'm running nix on another box here, and there's seriously some lack in the desktop dept. I've tried nearly all GDM and there's some things I like about each of them, and there's even more things I hate in nearly every one of them. It's really a mishmash in what you see is what you get. Or in the case of nix, you know what you get, it's more of "how the fuck do I use it?!" most of the time. It's powerful, I'll give it that, but in terms of "friendly" and "inviting", those two areas still need some more work. It's stable as shit though, I'll give it that.
I would drop windows in a heart beat if it wasnt for a) dreamweaver, and b) photoshop, and c) a lot of small little things. Dont try and feed me that Gimp garbage either. And its always the little things that get ya.
I have Ubuntu on here, and Ive got to the point to where I was like, yeah this kicks ass, fsck windows. Now Im past that point, now Im going, man, I need dreamweaver/photoshop, and I miss program "x"...
Not to mention, all the games I play and all the stuff I do is already installed and setup, and in place... Making an OS switch is friggen difficult. I dont think Im gonna be able to do it. Its really a pity.
I think next time my windows install goes down (its an insanely frequent thing) I'll stick ubuntu on here and see how i get along with it. Unless s2k3 actually survives online until the end of its 180day trial in which case i'd be seriously tempted to pay for it.
Of that 20% still using 800x600, I'd be willing to bet they're the same ones using ancient browsers that would make any attempt at a fluid layout look like total hell.
I'm not gonna drop the gimp and all the other stuff on anyone, trust me. As far as desktop and programs go for the desktop, the cons still mostly outweigh any of the pro's. For a tactical "fuck up the world system" it's all there at the command line level. As far as most graphical interfaces and other visual toys, it still feels like a semi-jacked up windows 3.1 to me in many cases attempting to reach for windows ME/XP at the same time. Many things lacking, and in many cases a little too much. Hard to really evaluate it fully without pointing it out live.
Don't get me wrong, I love many apps on Windows and rely on the for life and death as well, but there's so many reasons which tears me in both directions for reasons why I love both and all systems. I kind of wish there was one system that could do it all and still kick ass.
Mac OS doesn't have any clear advantage over winnie when it comes to programs, it is very popular amongst graphic designers and video editors, and suprise! They use the very same programs than winnie users use, so Mac OS' advantages are purely performance vise.
And when going to Linux, well, I wouldn't use it in a million years, since I'm a graphic designer and a gamer, so there is absolutely nothing there for me that would top the programs I get on winnie and Mac Os.
Well I would have to say that gaming in linux is much smoother than windows. For Enemy Territory, and its mods anyways. Runs much smoother, and a better constant FPS.
As for the graphics, yeah I use photoshop (and dreamweaver) on almost a daily basis. There are a couple of decent dreamweaver type clones for nix but graphics, hell no. I would like to switch but I just cant bring myself to do it. As for Macs, the only thing, IMO, macs are good for are a) wasting lots of $$, b) being able to say you own a mac, and c) their desktop looks and those sick ass monitors. Thats it.
I wouldnt buy one for any of those reasons. I guess I will sadly have to stick to windows...until macromedia and adobe start making their shit linux compatable. Like, never.
You're all missing out, Macs are more than just aesthetics and bragging. Since I switched I am twice as productive, and my machine is 10 times more reliable. Plus, for a designer, the staggering array of small, single function applications available is amazing.