My system is super stable. Have not had a crash in years, seriously. And most crashes/conflicts are due to shitty hardware. Good stability and no crashes on a Mac because its all their hardware, and you paid 3k for it. It better be good hardware and be stable.
I didn't say that Macs are not good, I'm going to get me one as soon as I can, but I'm moving firtst day of the next month and I have alot of things to take care.
I have been using Macs at school and at work for several years and I think that they are essential for designers. Like I said, when it comes to just the programs you use to do your job, Mac has very few programs that Winnie doesn't have. But I wouldn't even take Linux in to the discussion when it comes to designers, I'm just sorry, there is just nothing good to say about it in there.
And as soon as I can afford completely new 3d modelling package I'm going to make the full leap to Macs and only leave my PC for online gaming and modding.
And Krak, I bet your ass your system is stable as a rock, but it's not about it, I'm at the moment very happy with the mem leaks and crashing and all the bugs of a windows platform just because I know that I can play all my favourite games and use all the programs I know and have been using for years and years, it's a small price to pay believe me.
Well, there are several advantages mac's have in terms of OSS that lacks on windows, things like garageband and some other neat toys I'd love to toy with in my downtime. If there was a garageband equivalent for the pc, I'd love it. In some regards though, stability-wise, macs tend to run windows into the ground regardless of how fast or slow they go.
But I wouldn't even take Linux in to the discussion when it comes to designers...
Agreed, Im with you on that one. As for the rest, I fear that this thread is turning into a linux/mac/windows fanboy/flamefest.
Garageband? I've heard a few things here and there, don't know exactly what it is/does, but I know it has something to do with music. I've used Reason 1 and 2, Cubase, Nuendo, progs like that. They are pretty cool. The friends I have that do music as a profession use ProTools. Which sucks, cause you HAVE to use their hardware. They always tell me, if they had to do it all over again, they'd go with the Steinberg stuff over ProTools, because of the hardware thing.
Garageband? I've heard a few things here and there, don't know exactly what it is/does, but I know it has something to do with music. I've used Reason 1 and 2, Cubase, Nuendo, progs like that. They are pretty cool. The friends I have that do music as a profession use ProTools. Which sucks, cause you HAVE to use their hardware. They always tell me, if they had to do it all over again, they'd go with the Steinberg stuff over ProTools, because of the hardware thing.