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New design: mostly fine, logo sucks

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

the key to determine the associative and energetic mood that any graphic work propels is to listen to yourself during 1-st half-second while watching. My mind says that a 3-year old baby has played too much with radioactive plasticine when I look at the logo. The new version of Vanilla logo is definitely worse, since it is not at all related to the concept, and is against the major laws of graphic design.

As to the rest of the graphic part, its mostly fine, yet too microsofty/slicky/nanny looking.

Any thoughts to add?


  • The side panel lists with "PanelList" class look a bit strange to me, other than that I have no complaints.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks for sharing your opinion!
  • LOL Mark!

    If you look in the blog a month back you'll find the designer's notes detailing the ideas behind the new Vanilla, Garden etc. logos and design. I found it interesting and like the new logos.
  • @LoOkOuT, could you link? I'd find that interesting and don't see it on the blog here.

    I think the logo is a little ridiculous, a little sexy, and a lot flavor. I dig it.
  • People that start posts like this normally have the worst sense of style/design.
  • Mm I'm not a great fan of the logo, but then I never thought the Google logo was anything great either... :p
  • Just complained about the design/new color scheme in another post. Not meant as a diss, it's just heartfelt.

    FWIW, I think the new logo is nice, but probably not original. Haven't found the original yet (I'm not really looking either) but it just looks familiar to me. Now this could be a good thing, if it were a true original, but I get the feeling I've seen it before (on a trip to France to be exact).
  • It's quite original. See LoOkOut's "Linky" above.
  • I like it
    its actually pretty cool
  • hlfcodinghlfcoding New
    edited October 2009
    the most non-software logo for software, so +1 from me

    tho the implementation for the new design does feel rushed, compared to version 1, though this is probably just a recency/maturity issue in the software

    for the line-breaks, maybe something like git/so-flavored markdown would be nice
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2009
    Third time I've seen Markdown mentioned in 2 days. PHP version:

    I'm going to have a look.
  • @Lincoln - Did you get any where with Markdown? I was considering it as an alternative to a bbcode plugin on Vanilla 2?
  • @benno Not yet; I've been working on my importer first so I have something to test it on :) I'll make a discussion for it when I have something to report.
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