Body class for signed in user?

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been investigating wether or not there's an ability to have a special high-level (like on the body tag) class for someone who is signed into the vanilla forums (or perhaps a class for those who are *not* signed in).

I am wondering because different elements of the site show up depending on if a user is signed in, and I would like to be able to manipulate the CSS styles depending on if a user is signed in or not.

I have looked through the addons and not noticed such functionality, nor have I noticed it in the basic install. So I am wondering if anyone on the forums has seen such functionality (that I may have overlooked) or implemented such functionality into their forums.

Any guidance would be much appreciated!


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The base controller class defines the body's css definitions. You could do it with a plugin, or you could hard-code it for a theme. I can help you with this if you like. Send me a message on here or over email: mark at vanillaforums dot com.
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