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Vanilla 2 beta - upgradable?

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is the current beta version of Vanilla 2 upgradable? I would like to use Vanilla 2 for a website but first I want to be sure I will be able to upgrade it when the final version will be released.


  • I guess nobody knows that yet...
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited September 2009
    The only way an upgrade process would be necessary is if there's a change to the database. My conjecture: I kinda doubt such a change is going to get made at this point, but if it is I highly doubt an upgrader is going to be released. You're basically playing Russian roulette unless @Mark or @Todd can give you a definitive answer on it. I wouldn't do it unless you have phpmyadmin and/or enjoy editing databases by hand. :)
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited September 2009
    You could, however, do what I'm doing: Start prepping the install on some dev space so you can preemptively create a theme and some plugins.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I highly doubt we'll be making any database changes at this point. We haven't made any in at least a month, now. Even if we do, we have database upgrades built into the core so it can be done seamlessly.

    The easiest thing would be to set up your installation as a git repo and just do a git pull from the master branch every couple of days.
  • Love that - "easy" and "git" =D

    I must actually read a couple of guides some day :P
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hahaha - I know, right?

    I found the learning curve to be pretty massive for Git, but now that I've been using it for a few months, it's so damn easy. I wouldn't go back, and it was definitely worth the time investment.
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