PunBB to Vanilla 1 or 2

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I am planning to move our punBB forums to Vanilla and was wondering about a few things.

1- Has someone done a script to migrate a punBB database to Vanilla? If not, does anyone know how hard it would be?

2- I need to do this in the next few months. What would you recommend, vanilla 1 and update when 2 is officially released or go straight to 2 now. The forum is in production and we'd rather do one move instead of two. It would save time on doing two theme to get the a similar look and feel as well.

3- We would like gravatar and OpenID support as well, is there already plugins for 2 for those or not yet.

4- Before we fully move to OpenID, we would need a single sign on. I saw that it was planned for Vanilla 2 but not released yet. Any idea of ETA on that?

Finally, thanks for making a superb set of forums.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    1. There aren't any migration scripts for Vanilla 2 yet, but there is one from Vanilla 1 to Vanilla 2. So if you managed to get a Vanilla 1 migration working, you could get it ported to Vanilla 2. We're planning on working on Vanilla 2 importers after it is released (end of October-ish).

    2. I'd recommend going Vanilla 2 if you've got months of time available. You could get a theme working now and go live when V2 is officially released.

    3. @Todd has been working on authentication methods, and I think he's got openid support built in. We'll have to refer to him on that one. There isn't any gravatar support out of the box, and I don't know how Gravatar works, so I don't know how difficult/easy it would be.

    4. The first SSO integration for Vanilla 2 will be released in a day or so.

    Glad you like Vanilla!
  • @Mark, Gravatar integration is usually super easy; I hacked it into vBulletin in under an hour. And by "super easy" I mean "you could probably leave it to us" not "well why don't you hurry up" ;)
  • Okay, I have a version of an importer from punBB to vanilla 1.

    What would be the best way to get this download here? Should I get commit writes to git or should I just email @Mark with a .zip file?

    It is tested in the sense that it does work for me (TM). It is written in activewarehouse-etl which is based on ruby. It should be easy enough to expend.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Upload it to the addons site!
  • @Mark, that would be smart now, would it not? .............

    Will upload sometimes today
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • @Mark No problems.
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