Multiple Machine enviroment
I'm interested in finding out the scalability of this forum software, How does it scale across multiple machines?
I'm not really concerneed with DB backend (mysql clusters are rather easy to setup), But with Vanilla on the frontend. Can they share 1 DB backend? How does Vanilla handle sessions, If you go from Machine 1, and are bounced over to machine 8 cause of the Loadbalancer will it gracefully pick up and carry on, or will Vanilla prompt the user with a login box, or a permision denied to post (cause you were in the middle of a post when you bounced for example).
I am using vanilla on multiple servers in a load balanced cluster. When creating a discussion, posting a comment or editing, I am getting the "Some problems were encountered. There was a problem authenticating your post information" error.
This happens on a random basis on the live cluster and did not happen at all on the development server. So I am thinking this is due to the on-machine sessions not being available on subsequent page loads.
Is there a configuration setting to use DB based sessions or have all data stored in the cookies rather than machine sessions?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Basically anything that is a board setting and not a user setting.
This would not really be a problem if your site is ready for deployment, (and you won't be configuring it often) though.