


  • I would like to see just a few features.
    • Closing a poll on a given date
    • Closing a poll on demand (by the creator or an admin)
    • Global preferences for poll management (i.e. which groups are allowed to participate). Right now, every new poll allows banned and unauthenticated users to vote
  • I think you might have forgotten one line in the language.php file:

    $Context->SetDefinition('Poll', 'Poll');

    You have:
    $Context->SetDefinition('Polls', 'Polls');

    ...but not the first one. Or atleast it was missing from my zip-file :)
    Thanks a bunch for the script! :D

    p.s. my first post, be gentle :P
  • Thanks, I tried the bbcode version but it didn't work, and I haf to leave my comp. I'll do better next time ;)
  • I have major issues with Vanilla 1.3 and Firefox where the poll results are floating over the text and makes it look really messy. This happens both in the side bar and in the discussion where the poll is embedded. Works and looks great in IE7. Forum at http://lgbthistorymonth.org.uk/Forum if you are able to check it out.
    Would really like to continue to use the poll but if I don't get this fixed it will have to come down.
    Any help greatly appreciated, TIA
  • Good job on making this addons thought I having some prob with it.

    Error return while clicking on "Add poll to this discussion" at the panel ..
    404 Not Found The requested URL /extension/12/?PostBackAction=Poll does not exist.
    Im using sef on vanilla 1.1.3

    i found the fix Fixed SEF for poll
  • I downloaded and installed Poll extension. Added permissions. Created Polls. Nothing shows up in the sidebar, there is no "add poll to this discussion" button. Whats up?? I need some polls! :) Please help.
  • anyone...anyone....anyone....
  • does this even work?
  • Someone posted this on may forum today
    I think there should be a sign on each topic with a poll should have a "[Poll]" mark. Like when a topic is closed. It says "[Closed]". If a topic with a poll is closed, then the "[poll]" mark shall disappear and become a "[Closed]" marked topic. This would help people who have their forum poll preference off know which polls to vote on and which ones bot to. Catch my drift?
    I have to agree it would be rather useful

    also - there are perhaps 50 active polls on there now so when new people join they are bombarded with a huge list of notifications forcing them to switch off the notification feature. Is there anything I can do to default it to off - or just disable notifications altogether
  • Is there a way to capture who voted, and what they voted for in a poll?

    This would be EXTREMELY useful to me.

    Thanks in advance
  • Bump. Anyone using this, and know if there is a way to capture who voted, and what they voted for in a poll????
  • I'm using Poll 1.3 and it shows up and it shows not up - I cannot even see any real system which user can see the poll and which user not. Just now I have a test-poll started as Admin and: the users can vote, but Admin can't, though the Poll has been made open for ALL. This is very strange. So, not working extensions up to now: Poll 1.3 Captcha 0.2.1a I'm just having Vanilla on a test-installation and not yet as a final instalation on my real webspace. SInce I liked to use Vanilla but am desperately in need of both captcha an poll I'm very unsure whether to use Vanilla. Looks great, is fast, the board is fine, but the extensions aren't easy enough to handle. Here is the test installation: http://schwert.sc.ohost.de/Vanilla/Vanilla/index.php If you want to log in: (username/password) tester/tester
  • Development of this module seems to have been abandoned. This is a great shame, as there is no other alternative to give a poll functionality to Vanilla. It would be wonderful is someone were to take up this project, and implement the fixes and features necessary to make it current again.
  • Any idea on how I can get the poll displaying on the blog addon? I've added extension.php to the correct selfurl and still it doesn't show up. Other extensions show up on the page, except this one.
  • Yeah, I'd like to see this continue to be developed as well.
  • also - there are perhaps 50 active polls on there now so when new people join they are bombarded with a huge list of notifications forcing them to switch off the notification feature. Is there anything I can do to default it to off - or just disable notifications altogether
    Yup, this is the number one problem with this. But instead of disabling the feature by default for new users(after enabling, what could be hundreds of poll notifications are still shown), could it be possible to only show notifications for polls that have been created in the past week for example?

    Can anyone with the proper knowledge do this and perhaps revive this great extension because as it stands, the extension unusable because of the notification issue.
  • I'm with wohoo on this one. any fix available?
  • And if not a fix, how could the notification part be removed from this extension?
  • How would I mod this extension to get rid of notification completely?
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