Members Page

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Members Page


  • We have been using the member list and as of today it has stopped showing new members. Is there a way to make the member list a multi page list which shows the newest members first and displays 50 or so at a time? Also, any ideas why the list would stop displaying new members?
  • would be great, yes.
  • mattmatt ✭✭
    Updates for this do not work as it is mislabeled in the default.php file. You need to change two lines to look like below:

    Extension Name: Members Page
    Version: 1.2.1
  • Can we get an correction update for this please admins? :)
  • Uploaded version 1.2.1 of Members Page.
  • I notice that the new default directory when unzipped is MembersPage, but the directory coded in the default.php file is members_page. It breaks the link to the style.css file.
  • Uploaded version 1.2.1 of Members Page.
  • That'l teach me to do stuff in a rush. I've changed all references to MembersPage because I'm pretty sure thats the general naming convention in use..
  • Thanks Minisweeper!
  • great add!

    there is any way to see user's IP on member page ? like another information?
  • I installed this on Vanilla 1.2.1 setup, but I get a 404 error when I click on the members tab.

    It's trying to find ./vanilla/extension/?PostBackAction=Members

    Anyone else hit this issue?
  • *bump* Still experiencing the above issue (docvego's #12), can't figure out why. Anyone else know what might be causing this?
  • what kind of forum is it? local?
  • This is on the Internet, but requires an invite to sign up. You want to see what's going on?
  • I'm also a noob, in solving this qeustions... but I he cries, because he searches ./vanilla/extension/?PostBackAction=Members, the problem is cause by the path declaration.

    I even took a look, over the tab creating Line, but couldn't find a hint...

    Do you use Page manager ext.?

  • Try un-rewriting the URL manually from ./vanilla/extension/?PostBackAction=Members

    and see if the list works. If it does with the un-friendly URL, then you probably need to update your .htaccess file with this code.
  • Ahhh, there you have it WallPhone. Thank you, I completely forgot about the Friendly URL code. You are awesome.
  • worked great, thanks WallPhone
  • Is it possible to hide Banned members with this? I didn't see any options in the file default.php
  • There's a logic error on the page that causes the columns to not line up properly. Its a pretty simple fix.

    elseif($eMembersConfig['NameCell'] == 1 && $rows['ShowName'] != 1) { $toreturn .= '<td>n/a</td>'; }

    elseif($eMembersConfig['NameCell'] == 1 && $rows['ShowName'] != 1) { $toreturn .= '<td>n/a</td>'; } else { $toreturn .= '<td>n/a</td>'; }
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