


  • Sounds like your attachments default file got corrupted or something...can you download the default.php off your server and check it out? Might be worth just completely re-uploading the whole extension.
  • Just wondering if there has been any progress on getting Attachments working with Safari (Mac). My Safari users still can't upload files... Interestingly, Safari (PC version) works fine when uploading files.
  • I wanted to test this in the Safari 3 Mac Beta, but it quits every time I try to load it on my G4. After many tries, I uninstalled it and restored Safari 2 (which still doesn't work with this extension). Hopefully, we can try it when the next beta comes out (or if one of you have an Intel Mac and can actually run the beta for us!)
  • @minisweeper Well the strangest thing is that one of my forum members uploaded an attachment on the forum without any problem just yesterday. But I (although being an administrator) do not see any button to attach files. I thought It was a problem with my browser, but I tried with Firefox and IE7 both and yet the same result
  • Attachments 2.1 works in Safari Beta 3 for OS 10.4.9!
  • I reverted back to my old attachments version (1.4) and it was working like a charm. The attachments button was back again. But when I again re-uploaded and activated v2.1 the same thing happened. The attachments button disappeared from the discussions, there is no attachments settings link on the options page and yet somehow the attachments plugin does seem to work cause many of my forum's users are able to upload attachemnts. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
  • Hi Everyone! I have a huge problem. I am not only new to Vanilla (just accidentally typed Vankilla....Freudian slip, eh?), but new to owning a website, and new to computers. Prior to March, I had a webtv...version for dummies. I bought this forum I have now in February, got a computer in March, and have been crash-coursing it since. My website is under the account of the individual I purchased it from. Last week, it went offline. There was an upgrade, if that is the right word, to PHP 5.5 by the server from PHP 4.4., that I think must have made the site go offline. It came back on the next evening, after some fixes by the server, and everything was fine. The next day, I lost all my photo attachments on the forum, the content of the stickies but not the topic of them, and the Private Whispers started as Private Whispers, but not the whispers contained within already started Discussions. I also cannot "delete" anything. At first, that same day. I lost all the whispers, but retrieved them by changing the settings on them. I also cannot click on any of the uploaded extensions and add them to the forum, as a Microsoft postback error comes up. The only photos that remain are some of the copy and pasted ones, and the ones I have since posted. Since my forum is built on and revolves around a library of photos of horses, documenting the breed I am involved with, it is crucial that I retrieve those photos. That same day that I lost all these features, the individual that holds the server account uploaded the new upgrade of Vanilla to the forum. Since then, I've been at a loss as to what to do. The forum was working fine on the older version. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I need to do to retrieve the old attachment files on the forum as well as the other "fixes." I have read and read until I short-circuit. Yours truly, Clueless in Vanilla-Ville.
  • Well, I'm pleased to report that Attachments finally works in Safari! I got Safari 3 to work by deleting my Safari plist (thanks!) No trouble posting multiple attachments or downloading them from Safari 3! Yeah!
  • Does anyone know how to limit the size of an uploaded image with Attachments 1.4? I know that there are settings in settings.php - the current settings are supposed to limit thumbnail images to 100 x 100 pixels, but someone has apparently managed to override this and has uploaded a huge logo to a discussion! Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Thanks in advance!
  • Hi Guys, so now I'm here. Thing is, I don't speak code. But that obviously isn't stringently necessary since my Vanilla is up and running and it's beautiful. That said, there are a few little things... The issue: I got the Attachments Add-on and the Multi-File-Add-on (maybe that's important) - everything works just like it should. BUT when I try to upload anything bigger than 10 MB Firefox cancels after a few minutes and says: Connection closed; Website unavailable. I set the max. Filesize to 300 MB, so that can't be the cause. Is there some kind of timeout defined in one of those .php files that I could edit to make it work? Or do I have to change something somewhere else, like the Server? If this is the wrong place, since it got nothing to do with the plugin itself, please point me in the right direction. If you need to know more, I'm here... THANKS! Peace. P.S.: Haha JDW, I did everything along with you in this thread... I wish I would have started on page 2 (I didn't see the "More Comments" link... :-)
  • What upload speed does your connection have?
  • PHP limit?
  • Awesome. So I did a search for "PHP Limit" and learned I have to edit the php.ini file - and since the values I was supposed to edit didn't exist I just pasted them in there and voila! I just uploaded a 30 MB file. (With 512kbps BTW) Thanks a lot for providing me with the needed terminology! And while the 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_size' values are pretty self-explanatory and now set to 300 MB, bigger files still abort after approx. 10 minutes. Turning up the 'memory_limit' didn't help. Do you know if there's a time-limit-value to paste into this php.ini file? Google turns up with way to much results. P.S.: I know that's what FTP and stuff is for but it would be SO convenient to just post (big) files on the board...
  • There are some sort of php timeout flags set but 10 minutes is already a pretty long time. A 300MB file at that speed would take about an hour and a half...I wouldnt really want to have my timeout set that high.
  • OK, now, just for the sake of trying - I put in those 2 available timeout 'flags' with 1 1/2 hours. Don't know if it will work - on the first test Firefox canceled again, but I didn't watch the time spent. What I'm now interested in of course is why, Minisweeper, wouldn't you want your timeout set that high? Security or abuse concerns? Thanks for your time! Peace.
  • Well just incase some poorly written scripts were running which had a continuous loop or something. If you had one of those opened by a browser and the user then went off somewhere else they could remain running and clog up resources unnecessarily. It's not a huge issue I just wouldnt be so keen on it purely for the sake of being able to upload 300MB files over the web..
  • i have also posted in the attachment 1.4 section but that thread appears to be dead. so im posting the same question here.

    when i attach a file i get this error, can any1 plz help me with this.

    Some problems were encountered
    The file you attempted to upload ( was of type "application/download", but the file extension "zip" did not match the accepted extensions for this type of file: rar, RAR
  • faraz_k86 I guess you gave yourself the appropiate role permissions to post this kind of attachment, like that: There are some that aren't available by default.* That's in the file 'default.php' inside the 'Attachments' folder inside the 'extensions' folder. I also did a search for 'MINE' in this file and replaced all instances with 'MIME', maybe that's it. Since I'm a total beginner and don't now myself what's REALLY going on I just can TRY to help... :-)
  • Doublepostgoodness. Minisweeper, I see. Too bad you can't tie these settings to one specific script. I would btw be happy if I get 100 MB to work... well, I guess FTP it will be. THANKS for teaching me stuff!
  • k thankx for the reply but i dont understand any of this. what is mime, and how can i fix this problem? from what i understand is that it does not support attachments in .zip, how can i fix this where in the script should i edit this??
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