
edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • mattmatt ✭✭
    Make sure you change the ajaxquote.js file to reflect whether your board works in BBCode (ajaxquote default) or HTML (vanilla default)
  • How hard would it be for someone to patch AjaxQuote to check to see which Formatter you currently have selected and then use that for the quote formatting? Then we can add others such as Markdown, Textile etc...
  • This extension only loads the "Quote" link if the user is logged in, that's OK, however it also only loads the CSS file if the user is logged in, so when a guest views a quoted comment, the formatting is lost.

    I moved the line that adds the CSS to the line before it checks to see if a valid user is logged in...

    $Head->AddStyleSheet("extensions/AjaxQuote/ajaxquote.css"); if( $Configuration["AJAXQUOTE_LOGINREQUIRED"]===false or $Context->Session->UserID > 0 ){
    That did the trick, not sure if there's a better way but it'll do until it's fixed properly.

    Posted: Tuesday, 27 March 2007 at 12:57AM (AEDT)

  • I'm still having problems quoting from previous pages, it seems to throw you back to the first page of the thread instead of the last, any idea if I've got it setup wrong please guys?
  • Sorry to bump this, anyone know a fix? :(
  • That sounds weird, it works just fine for me. Have you edited the extension in any way? And if so, tried re-downloading (from the add-ons site) and re-uploading it?
  • Good idea, I'll try re-uploading it, the only thing I've changed is making it work with HTML instead of BBCode, and I think I changed the style information too ;o
  • blizeh I just tested it and it does takes u to the next page
  • Good catch on that Wanderer. Might be worth putting a check that Head is there before you add the CSS, but otherwise great :) Is scip still around? If not can someone else update this extension with that change?
  • ask mark for it btw blizeh why don't u add the comment box under every page then u don't have to worry about it going tot he second page
  • Just re-installed completely and it's still sometimes jumping to the first page ;_;
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Same problem, anyone please please please? It's pretty much the only thing now my users still moan about, and ims it's a bit of a pain for me too :D
  • Hi, I'm having some problems. When quoting, the CSS only works if I have var ajaxqoute_format = 'BBCode'; // 'Html' or 'BBCode' set to use HTML I however want to use BBCode and still want the css to load regardless. On doing so I get: [quote][cite] Vaz:[/cite] [/quote] How do I get it to include the css regardless of me using bbcode?
  • Anybody?
  • OK I got it to work by installing Better BB Code. But I'd like it so it works in html mode too. In other word's all three modes. Is this possible?
  • For some reason, when I use the QUOTE function, the next post shows all the special quote text and markings with the original text that I wanted to quote, instead of actually making the box with just the quote in it. Any ideas?
  • I noticed this yesterday and the short answer is that without the ability to transcode between different formatters (ie BBCode and HTML) this is going to happen when you don't force a formatter.

    However, the quote CSS in vanilla is, by default, very basic, and you need to have one of the quote extensions to make it all boxed and pretty. An oversight in the current AJAXQuote extension that I spotted yesterday is that quotes will not be properly formatted unless a user is logged in. Basically, the line that adds the ajaxquote.css file to the header needs to be moved out of the if( $Configuration["AJAXQUOTE_LOGINREQUIRED"]===false or $Context->Session->UserID > 0 && isset($Head)){ condition.

    BHR4CE1, I can't make head or tails of your comment as it seems to me to say that it's quoting the comment you're asking it to quote. Could you be a little more clear?
  • The same thing happened in my forum as BHR4CE1 Here is the final output after attempting to quote myself and hitting the "Add your comments" button: <blockquote><cite> OMAR:</cite>This is the sample text that will be quoted.</blockquote> The are no other extensions active, except for wordpress integration. Once I enable the HTML Formatter 2.2 extension, the final output is perfect: OMAR:This is the sample text that will be quoted. not sure why it needs to be enabled, as I thought HTML was the vanilla default. However, the problem could also be that I tried to use the AjaxQuote extension before editing the ajaxquote.js file to 'HTML' as suggested in post #2 of this thread by emsef. If I do not select the Html button before adding my comments, the <blockquote><cite> appears in the final output again. A final note. If I enable the FCKeditor, then nothing happens at all if I try to use ajaxquote.
  • html is not the vanilla default.
  • Yes, thank you. I got that impression from post #2 in this thread. "Make sure you change the ajaxquote.js file to reflect whether your board works in BBCode (ajaxquote default) or HTML (vanilla default)" To follow up on my earlier post, to get quotes working with FCKeditor, simply install the fckajaxquote extension. Good stuff.
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