Guest Post



  • Thanks for everyone's feedback. Wanderer- I totally agree with you. Here's why I want to? First, The client wants it. Second, our users are not the most technical savvy users so posting to a forum will likely be new, Finally, we're a new forum. In the beginning, it's nice to just get the conversation going. Then, once the discussion posts reaches critical mass, I'll shut off the guest's ability to post new discussions. For Spam, I was thinking of integrating 's Web Service as an extenion to assist with Spam checks. I might do this anyway. If I do I'll try to add that to extension list. We'll see. If spam became more of an issue, I would add more of an intrusive method such as use reCaptcha or one of the other Captcha methods combined with some unintrusive spam checks like require email addresses (use dns and mx entries to make sure they are real) and honeypot techniques to set-up for spam automators. timfire- This exactly what I was worried about. I was wondering if it was a technical issue or not. Like I said I have not delved into the source code much, I was hoping someone else had done this so I did not want to have to recreate the wheel. Minisweeper - good work on what you did. It's excellent, and does just what you say you do. Although, I had an a little error with install (I did not read the read me, I just looked at the code). I installed GuestPost 1.4 in my extensions when it needs to be GuestPost.
  • Sorry I dont understand what you're getting at...?
  • Minisweeper- Huh? What don't you understand? Now, I'm confused. Basically, I want Guests to have the ability to create new Discussions, and it looks like no one has done it and given it back to the community (save for marikka). It looks like I'll have to dig into it and see how difficult it will be. Otherwise, The first part of my response was in response to wanderer who said don't give Guests the ability to posts new discussions because of spam. My thoughts are there are ways to make it so that spam can be limited even if they have the ability to create new discussions. As for my error, the javascript file for your captcha was specifically looking for a directly in the /extensions/GuestPost . I had my extension in the folder: /extensions/GuestPost 1.4 Consequently, the captcha did not work at first. This would have been solved if I just read your readme and followed the directions which said install the extension into a folder named; GuestPost.
  • Ahh I see. Fair enough.
  • Just can't get it to work! I've followed all the steps. Created an account with un=Guest and pw=1234 (example), then changed the fields GuestPost 1.4 default.php file to match those. When I try to post as a guest I get the error mentioned throughout the threads here: Some problems were encountered You do not have permission to add comments to discussions. I saw HTML formatter mentioned, so I installed that too - still doesn't work. Help? Am I missing something? edit: I also don't see any CAPTCHA on the guest post.
  • gnubler: I'm having the same problems. I stopped trying and have asked for the guest post extension on this site...
  • That's the same extension. I'm not sure what's causing the issue you guys are having.
  • LOL... small world. I wonder if the theme I'm using is messing it up. Html Formatter is installed too. Maybe if I show you it live, on my forum, it might help?
  • Hmm. Something's stopping the captcha from showing but I'm not sure what. Might be your theme but I dont know why. Anyone else got any ideas?
  • Just checking back on this...thought I would see if anyone figured out the problem. I'm using the Default Vanilla theme with Vanilla 1.1.4. The captcha doesn't show on mine either and I only get the above mentioned error when I try to guest post. Here's a live link to my forum, but I'll be playing around with Guest Post and other extensions over the next couple of days so I might solve the issue. If I do, I be sure to repost.
  • Me again. I'm going to start over completely and reinstall this like it never happened. Can't hurt. I see the specs list: Requires Vanilla 1.0.x with the Default Vanilla Theme 3 theme I'm running Vanilla 1.1.4 - is that an issue? Using the default theme that came with Vanilla. I'll be doing this tomorrow. Will report back.
  • I build a site for my classmates, and they are lazy, so I want to know how to allow Guest to create New Discussions? I saw two people asked it before, but no one get real answer. /* I'm Taiwanese, and my English is not well.If there are some grammar's fault, tell me please. */
  • Version number changed from 1.4.1 to 1.5.
  • Uploaded version 1.5 of Guest Post.
  • Hi Chaps - I've now taken over this project to use the significantly better reCAPTCHA. Hope it works for you all - I've got it running on two sites.
  • Could you point us to one or both?
    (I provided the original JavaScript for the Captcha).
  • The new version doesn't use any Javascript (thanks Wanderer - shall I put you in the Credits?) - will be public in the next few days.
  • No mate, no need to credit me.

    The only problem with that ReCaptcha gadget is that I usually have to "click to get a new challenge" a couple of times because they are so hard to read.

    You did a good job with the extension but I'll stick to my simple method for as long as its doing the trick.

    Again, well done.
  • I feel a system that uses at maximum only 10 CAPTCHAs is significantly flawed. But that's just my opinion :)

    reCAPTCHA can be a little tricky - but then that illustrates it's strengths too. I've not screwed one up yet :)
  • anyway to get guest posts to go to an approval que first?
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