AJAXified Commenting

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
The latest revision of Binary Bonsai's K2 features funky AJAX comments on posts. Could that be added into Vanilla's next release?


  • I would LOVE to see this get implemented.
  • Similar to this: http://www.axentric.com/posts/default/3 Scroll down and post a reply.. it's pretty cool.
  • You can see it on any of the Binary Bonsai posts, it smoothly animates as well.
  • It would be very nice to have it added.
  • We need Ajaxified commenting AND editing.
  • Vanilla Staff
    That's pretty slick.
  • I like the biary bonsai one, but not the other. Isn't kubrik GPL? Could we use that pice of code?
  • @ADM: We need Ajaxified commenting AND editing.

    Editing, yes. Like the Flickr's interface. What do you mean by ajax commenting. I can't think of a single instance where ajax based commenting would be useful. Users expect a page load in this instance. If people do indeed want this, I would suggest an extension, or at least an option to turn it off.
  • edited September 2005
    Users expect a page load in this instance.

    Wouldn't having it animated be enough? For example like that binary bonsai one.
  • I suppose. I still don't think it is necessary. Why does everything need to be ajaxified? I does look cool, but I think that is all it is.
  • Actually, what I understand from the documentation, the ajax effect is not written by Heilemann himself, he has obtained the code and rights to use it in his K2 theme. So either we should have someone capable of writing that effect and implement it in to the board via extension like Heilemann has done or ask for the effect code from the K2 effect creators.
  • I think it would be best if someone 'donated' it to Vanilla, instead of asking someone for it.
  • I agree, but then we would need some very experienced JS whiz to come in our rescue.
  • Kosmo. Drop all your graphics stuff and spend the next week in intense JavaScript study. report back in 7 days time with this functionality. :P I know. But there are some people like that here. Surely.
  • edited September 2005
    I believe the animated effects come from the script.aculo.us library. Which is open-source and avaliable for download.
    You can see some of the demos here.
  • edited September 2005
    I still don't think it is necessary. Why does everything need to be ajaxified?

    Definitely not necessary but it does decrease posting times.
  • does it? Are you really going to notice the difference in the time it takes for a page to load (from a phycological point of view, it appears something is happeing right away to the user), and the request to take place? The only benifit, other than aesthetics, is a little saving on user bandwidth.
  • I think it's quicker personally. But like you said theres no really that much benefit for it but it still does benefit the forum so why not?
  • It just a personal preferance. I have no objection to Vanilla going down this path, as long I can turn it off.
  • saves bandwidth and is faster... sounds good to me.
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