
  • does this extension use the LUM_Users table to assign nicks?
  • It uses the name of the user in the current session as the nick. No interaction with the DB necessary.
  • This is the code (thx,btw) I use in a Nugget on a different page than the Chat (i.e. Discussions Index)
    <?php if (@include_once('/full/path/to/vanilla/extensions/PFC/phpfreechat-1.0-beta11/src/pfcinfo.class.php')) { $PfcInfo = new pfcInfo(md5($Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'])); $PfcUsers = $PfcInfo->getOnlineNick(NULL); echo "<ul>"; foreach($PfcUsers as $u) { echo "<li>".$u."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } ?>

    However, this is the error I get:
    Notice: Undefined index: childs in /full/path/to/vanilla/extensions/PFC/phpfreechat-1.0-beta11/src/pfccontainer.class.php on line 661 Notice: Undefined index: f890fa7792e4943e9dcc2eee3efa31a2 in /full/path/to/vanilla/extensions/PFC/phpfreechat-1.0-beta11/src/pfccontainer.class.php on line 661 Notice: Undefined index: 773b82d466bb603b2bfc854cff4e3823 in /full/path/to/vanilla/extensions/PFC/phpfreechat-1.0-beta11/src/pfccontainer.class.php on line 661
    However, it does list out the users who are currently chatting below the error msg. Is there a way to surpress the errors?
  • Yeesh, that sucks. Maybe you can hack pfccontainer.class.php and either comment out line 661 or put in some '@' to suppress the warnings? It's ugly, I know. Maybe this is one of the things that needs fixing for their 1.0-final release.
  • Works great, Thanks. Just 1 request; there appears just a blank page when i try to chat wihout signing in. So I would like to know how i can add a senctence and link on that blank page, something like "please click < here > to sign in and have a fun"
  • Commenting out line 661 works, but what does that line do anyway?
  • @skube: It looks like that line is unsetting an index that somehow didn't get set to begin with. Probably it's better to add a '@' in front of the $this.

    @sujang: My solution was to install Page Manager and put the chat inside a tab that is only visible to the roles that have chat permission.
  • Any luck on getting the announcement box removed when there is nothing to announce? ^_^

    But so far its worked perfectly, no real problems other then that. I'd still like to be able to not allow regular members to open new rooms or close the ones that are default.
  • @squirrel: Excellent add-on! Works great! @ChadFenwick: In default.php, comment out a lines towards the bottom like this: // $NoticeCollector->AddNotice($Context->Configuration['PfcNotice']); This will get rid of the Announcement box.
  • Duh... ^_^

    Thanks for that. I really should pay more attention to the script.
  • this is a brilliant extension. it works so well. i'm going to try adding a list of chatting users to the panel as well.
    edit: works as above. fantastic.
  • Yeah, I like the current users in the chat list... But would it be possible to add like a little icon to there name in the "Whos Online" extension? That would be swell.
  • I might of just missed something, but... It looks like this would work well if it was at the top of every page, you know with that little minimize thing. So people no matter where they are on the forum can expand that and chat. Is there an option for this? Or how can I get it to display on like the discussions list at the top of the page just below the banner? Thanks
  • this is a nice idea. maybe you can do it with nuggets?
  • I tried to put it in a nugget, but couldn't figure out how exactly. I tried a couple of different things but they didn't work.. Anyone know how to do this?
  • I edited the code and got the Chat tab working also with guest config option, just add this code before the: "// Don't make changes below this line." on line 23 of the default.php file

    // Add a link to the chat page at the top bar (keep in mind guest permissions) $Context->Dictionary['Chat'] = 'Chat'; //Allow guests? 1 for yes 0 for no $eChatConfig['AllowGuests'] = '0'; if(isset($Menu) && $Context->Session->UserID > 0 && $eChatConfig['AllowGuests'] == 0) { $Menu->AddTab($Context->GetDefinition('Chat'), $Context->GetDefinition('Chat'), GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=PFC'), $Attributes = '', $Position = '50', $ForcePosition = '50'); } elseif(isset($Menu) && $eChatConfig['AllowGuests'] == 1) { $Menu->AddTab($Context->GetDefinition('Chat'), $Context->GetDefinition('Chat'), GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=PFC'), $Attributes = '', $Position = '50', $ForcePosition = '50'); }

    Its working on my site, but it is displayed only for registered users.

    If you want it to be accessible for all your users, including unregistered, change
    $eChatConfig['AllowGuests'] = '0';
    $eChatConfig['AllowGuests'] = '1';
  • So I was redirected to this thread for a problem with PFC... I have the chat installed and ready to go, but when I open the page, it sits there and displays 'chat loading' for ever. Do you think this is a problem with the phpfreechat or my browser (same thing happens in IE and Netscape)? Thanks for you help. You can see it at Use TestTestTest to sign in and testtesttest for the password.
  • repeated post...sorry!
  • Still no luck getting it to appear like a shout box at the top of every page?
  • one last bump...
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