
  • I Installed Vanilla 1.1.3 and the PFC - Chat extension.

    If I want to post something on the PFC Chat - Field, I always get the message
    "You must be connected to send a message".

    I'm not shure what to do. I tried to give 777 - access to all PFC - Files and folders, but it did not help ...

    I saw "VAZ" having the same problem ... could you solutionate that?


    PS: you find my application at:
  • I've found on my site that you cannot use a single-quote when you are typing. If I go directly to the install of PFC, and not through Vanilla, it works fine.
  • Has anyone gotten PFC 1.0 Final to work with this extension? I'm running Vanilla 1.1.3 and PFC 1.0 beta 11 (I think it came with this extension). When I try to get it to work with PFC 1.0 Final, the 'Chat loading..' comes up and doesn't go away. Does another parameter (server_script_url) need to be set in default.php? What should it be set to?
  • I got the same as zovall. I even looked at some of the internal code of phpFreeChat, and nothing jumped out at me. It looks like 90% of this extension creates a new phpFreeChat Object (which, in layman's terms, is the chat window you see). So whatever variables are being passed, they must be read differently from FINAL and BETA 11.

    However, even knowing that, I couldn't hack a fix. I've never worked much with Object Oriented PHP though, I prefer procedural. So that's one strike against me hacking either phpFreeChat or the PFC extension.
  • hey squirrel,

    thank you for this extension (and at least for your time).

    i only have one question; is there a trick or a snippet of code to get a link (memberbar/o.t. right side) to the userprofiles (vanilla)

    thanks in advance :D
  • Uploaded version 1 of PFC.
  • Version number changed from 1 to 1.0.0.
  • Includes the 1.0-final release of phpFreeChat, which now works properly (some paths had changed between 1.0-beta11 and 1.0-final). Sorry for the delay.
  • @Skube:
    I tried your php code to make a list of who's in the chat, but its not showing any names.

    Any idea as to what may be happening, or did 1.0 break your code?
  • Uploaded version 1.0.0 of PFC.
  • Version number changed from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
  • Sorry folks, I had to prune some junk out of the archive and make some updates to the documentation. No code changes here.

    Also, PFC is now part of the Vanilla Friends project.
  • Is there a way to put this thing into a popup box (or to simply output it), without vanilla panel and menue?
  • Excuse for my English I advise to add in file default.php following parameter $params['time_offset'] = 60*60*3; // offset in seconds Where number 3 is a displacement of time on a server For example in Russia and me local time rather than across Greenwich is convenient to display my site
  • I installed PFC and setup the configuration, but I don't see anything when I try to view my PFC chat. Can you take a look at it and tell me what you think is wrong?
  • same problem here. After enabling this extension and enter the proper url, I don't see anything.
  • Nothing leaps to mind... what other extensions are you using?
  • I am having the same issue as the other guys with the "not connected" message. Does anyone have a fix for this?
  • First, sorry for my english. I have the same problem with the message "You must be connected to send a message" like Jayx. What can i do? Has anyone an idea? thanks for help...
  • I installed the ext and nothing at all comes up anywhere????? Where is the chat?
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