
  • 2point3turbo: You can find the chat at

    Everyone else, I know it doesn't always come up right away. I did identify one problem that is a bug in phpFreeChat:

    When phpFreeChat first starts, it loads some images from ImageShack. This is a deeply retarded idea, because the chat itself won't actually start until those images finish loading. If ImageShack is down or busy, you will have to wait for the image load to time out before your chat actually starts. Why the images aren't part of the package completely blows my mind, but there you go.

    The same goes for the "phpFreeChat" logo that you have to display in order to use phpFreeChat without buying a license. Let's not store that 5 kB PNG file locally, no! Let's download it from instead, even though it's disabled more often than Ken Griffey, Jr.

    There's a new 1.1 version of phpFreeChat. I'll roll that into the package along with some other fixes and we'll see if the next version of PFC can solve these problems.
  • Uploaded version 1.1.0 of PFC.
  • Big update:
    • Upgraded to phpFreeChat version 1.1
    • No more remote images, should help client load time
    • Happy new settings form (if you use Set List)
    • New option: Clear out the log files (if you use Set List)
    • New option: Set the chat client language
    • New option: Chat client themes
    • New option: Display a link to chat in the Panel (turned on by default)
    • Numerous little bug fixes
  • And with this, I announce my intention to abandon PFC.

    I simply don't use it anymore (my users never really cared for it, ha). It would be better if PFC were maintained by someone who uses it, ideally someone familiar with the phpFreeChat code. I have built the extension to what I feel is a "finished" state. If nobody else picks it up, I will continue to update it whenever I get a chance but it won't be a priority for me.

    All of the code is checked into the Vanilla Friends repository and licensed LGPL. It should be no trouble for someone else to jump in.

    You don't have to speak up right now. Wait until there's a new release of phpFreeChat or some new feature you want to add, make the changes yourself and then contact me about transferring the extension to your name.

  • I've got some an issue with PFC. It's installed and the chat window comes up fine - any text typed in doesn't come through, though it does get logged. Any known fix for this? I can't seem to find anything offhand.
  • Same here. Of course, we chose the perfect time to have the problem, what with the original developer abandoning PFC and all. -_-
  • What browser are you using? Some weird issue with a new browser is all I can think of. If it's getting logged then the chat is getting to the server, obviously. I'll take a look at it.

    This is why I need to hand off PFC to someone who actually uses it. Way too much work to fix problems like this from a standing start.
  • Confirmed, same thing is happening to me.

    Worked fine two months ago, doesn't work now. During that time I've upgraded to Firefox 3.0, but I think there's also been at least one patch to Apache so I couldn't immediately say which is the problem.

    Nothing about this on the phpFreeChat forums. That doesn't exactly surprise me; there's not much of anything useful on those forums.

    I guess the next step is to try a standalone clean install of phpFreeChat. Don't have time for that now, stay tuned.
  • hi i just installed the PFC addon but i was having problem with the logging in... i just updated the phpfreechat1.1 to 1.2 ... just open the 1.1 and copy the same folders from 1.2 and it works smooth .. i guess this addon needs an update
  • Yeah, phpFreeChat version 1.2 has some fixes for funky file locking problems. I'll update to the new version.

    By the way, I just deleted the entire extension directory and unpacked it fresh from the zip file I downloaded from this site. To my surprise, everything worked. I can no longer reproduce the problem I was seeing on June 22. If you are having this problem, I suggest you try blowing away your PFC directory and re-installing it.

    All I can think of is that maybe this was caused by files in phpfreechat/data/private getting out of sync. I'm not exactly shy about nuking the cache whenever any setting changes, maybe that's not smart? I've added code to also nuke the contents of phpfreechat/data/private/chat whenever the cache is deleted, hopefully that will help.

    Expect PFC version 1.2.0 up soon.
  • Uploaded version 1.2.0 of PFC.
  • New in version 1.2.0:
    • Upgraded to phpFreeChat version 1.2
    • Recent chats are now deleted whenever the cache is cleared, hopefully this fixes the strange problem of "phantom chats" that appear in the log but not in the chat window
    • Various small code cleanups
    I'm still hoping to hand off PFC to someone else. Contact me if you have the skills and the interest.
  • I've been trying to use the Who's Online code mentioned earlier with the new version of PFC, and I'm not getting any names. Poking around, and using getError() function to see the errors, I'm finding that the error is: "Array error".

    Any idea what that means?
  • i just installed PFC into my vanilla forum, but I'm getting an error message when i want to started the chat room: Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /vanilla/extensions/PFC/default.php on line 178 Any idea why?
  • change both occurence of GetUrl($Configuration to GetUrl(&$Configuration
    Line# 178 & 234

    I'm not sure, but I have same problem with BlogThis extension and resolved the same way.

    Someone who knows Vanilla better can explain in depth.
  • How do you set the flood settings?

    I use this chat between 5 people at the most. After installing the latest update I get kicked for flooding from posting 2 msg's right after eachother.
    Is there a way to set the limit or turn it off?
  • @retoid looks like its in src/phpglobalconfig.class.php I'm playing with it now.

    Then in the chat room, if you are the admin/mod for the site, type /identify . Your user name should get a shield next to it. After this, type /rehash to make changes take affect.
  • @israbart, rikin: the fix is to change line 178 from $params['server_script_url'] = $Context->Configuration['BASE_URL'] . GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', 'PostBackAction', 'PFC'); to $params['server_script_url'] = GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'extension.php', '', 'PostBackAction', 'PFC'); this line is inside a class so we need to use context also $Context->Configuration['BASE_URL'] is incorrect cos' GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'extension.php', '', 'PostBackAction', 'PFC') gives a full url already. At least on my instalation. the line 234 is proper, we'r outside of class so we'v got $Configuration.
  • I get the following error message: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/lafixed/public_html/extensions/PFC/default.php on line 178

    I see someone above has the same error message and someone offered a fix, i don't understand the fix though?
  • have you tried the fix suggested by TothAmon?
    IMO it looks ok
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