
  • @Oreganoflow

    I had same issue, I do not know vanilla that well, but this is what I found in documentation.
    void GetUrl ( &$Configuration, $PageName, [ $Divider = ''], [ $Key = ''], [ $Value = ''], [ $PageNumber = ''], [ $Querystring = ''], [ $Suffix = ''])
  • @Oreganoflow,

    u need to edit file /home/lafixed/public_html/extensions/PFC/default.php on line 178,

    change it to
    $params['server_script_url'] = GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'extension.php', '', 'PostBackAction', 'PFC');
    and all should work now.

    this is a fix i mentioned above

    @rikin: Your fix wont work probably, cos adding & with parameter is deprecated,
    even if its still usable U try to get a refference from udefined variable, so U probably get null.

    I didn't test it, just my thoughts.
  • edit. found it. standby...
  • worked, thanks again...!
  • Im not able to type in the window now. characters don't appear in the chat window...
  • What system and browser are U using ? any errors appears in console ?
  • Firefox 3.0, PC, XP sp3

    No errors appear
  • scherem, Thanks buddy.
  • I tried this extension in 1.1.5a and I am getting this error message:

    Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /mnt/w0308/d17/s41/b0277ee6/www/talknhl/extensions/PFC/default.php on line 178

    After which it stays stuck on the loading chat screen.
  • I had the same problem, read the comments above...
  • Thanks Oregano, I'm very excited that it's working...but did you figure out how to get the text to show?
  • PFC version 1.2.1 should be up soon.
    • Fix for the "Undefined variable" bug, thanks TothAmon
    • Added settings for flood control
    • Added settings for word censor control
    • Added setting to disable log file
  • Excellente
  • Uploaded version 1.2.1 of PFC.
  • BRILLIANT! Worked great and straight out of the box too !!

    Note that if you make new rooms in admin you have to log out and in again to see them. Perfect, thank you SO much!
  • Comments are still not showing in chat window for me :(
  • The comments don't appear in the chat text area for me, too! I tested with Seamonkey, Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, and Opera under Windows 2000 SP4.
  • sorry you propably mentioned it before and i am just blind and i didn`t see it. My problem is i installed it fresh. If i click on "chat room" the chat is loading perfectly but than the problem starts. i write something and than if i click on send or press return nothing happens. The message is not showing up Could please someone help me thanks
  • I had hoped this problem was fixed but obviously not.

    Can you install phpFreeChat somewhere on your site? Don't use PFC, just download the package from, install it, and tell me if the problem still exists.

    I have not been able to reproduce this bug myself. I need to find out if it's a problem with the PFC extension or with phpFreeChat itself.
  • with phpfreechat it is working normally....
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