

  • if you want i can give you acess and you can see it byyoursel
  • hehe hey everyting is perfect..after i installed "Set list" everything is working PERFECT...sorry if i made some trouble.
  • ...that fixed it for me too
  • How interesting...

    The settings page you get with Set List will (among other things) blow away the phpFreeChat cache whenever settings are changed. So maybe all you need to do is go into the phpFreeChat directory and delete everything in the data/private directory.

    Good to know. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for finding this solution.
  • hi and thanks for making this. one question - how do I get it so people don't get signed into all the "rooms" (tabs) when they start up chat? by the way - if it helps anyone - you can change the phpFreeChat logo yourself - the image is a gif (something like logo88x15.gif) in the source folder included with the PFC addon. HOWEVER not sure if this conflicts with licenses/EULA etc. Thanks and hi from England James
  • Please Help!! I've successfully installed the PFC Chat with SetList. Was able to configure it with the steps mentioned, however when i click on the link to Chat Room on my Forum it gives me the following error: Some problems were encountered Could not load the chat client.
  • Continued from Comment #107 As instructed when i tried to change the permission to the file .htaccess located under the "/PFC Chat 1.2.1/phpfreechat-1.2/data/private" folder using the File Zilla it gives me the fopllowing respones: 500 'SITE CHMOD 777 .htaccess': command not understood Please help
  • i am brand new to php and am having so much fun with vanilla so far... how do i change my file system? i get this error and and confused on what to do...

    phpFreeChat cannot be initialized, please correct these errors:

    * filemtime php fuction is not usable on your filesystem. Please do not use the 'file' container (try the 'mysql' container) or swith to another filesystem type.

  • When I click on a users name listed inside the right panel of the chatroom, I'm able to send a private message. If I send a private message and then refresh my browser for some reason, I receive the following message: Missing parameter (/privmsg {nickname}) After I receive this message, the only way I've found to get it to disappear is to close out the private message tab, close the chatroom tab ("Main Lobby") and click on the Chatroom link in the side panel of the forum.
  • Want PFC to only appear on specific pages - this has to be an 'array' call somewhere in PHP - which file is it?
  • You mean the chat link in the sidebar menu? That gets added in PFC/default.php. You'll want to change it so that it checks the name of the page being accessed and only adds the link for certain pages. I won't be adding that as a feature of the extension. :)
  • What specific line in default.php contains the pages accessed? i.e. discussion, categories, search, etc...
  • It's in the very last if() block at the bottom of default.php but notice that the link isn't added to any pages specifically. The link is added to the $Panel object so it will show up on any page that uses the panel.

    To add the link only for certain pages, you probably want to replace lines 260-262 with something like this:
    $PfcShowLink = array('discussion.php', 'categories.php'); if ( !@$Configuration['PfcHidePanelLink'] && isset($Panel) && $Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_USE_CHAT') && in_array($Configuration['SELF_URL'], $PfcShowLink) ) { $Panel->AddString('<h1><a href="'.GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', 'PostBackAction', 'PFC').'">' . $Configuration['PfcPageTitle'] . '</a></h1>'); }

    This would add the chat link on only the discussion.php and categories.php pages.
  • Hi there,
    I have problem here..i already follow ur instructions about conf/setting.php but nothing seem to appear at the panel, only PFC extension options appear.Please help me.
  • I have installed the PFC plugin for Vanilla 1 which adds phpfreechat to Vanilla.
    The plugin works brilliantly but I am unable to clear the chat logs as there is
    no visible button to do this.

    Even my settings for the plugin is for phpfreechat not to keep any logs but
    it still logs chats and I have no way of clearing them.

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for help.
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