


  • excluding certain roles is something I would appreciate too - not that I'm not grateful so far because i am!
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of MembersList.
  • I have uploaded a new version which has some fixes,
    and also you can exclude certain roles from viewing as demanded :=)

    open up conf/settings.php and add which roles will be excluded,
    if you want to exclude banned members, //I added as a default,

    $eMembersConfig['x_role'] = '2';

    or you can write as comma separated for more than one role,

    $eMembersConfig['x_role'] = '2,4,5';

    please inform me about bugs if you have so.
  • Still error warnings when editing tags, or preview post. Warning: include(extensions/MembersList/conf/language.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in H:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\vanilla\extensions\MembersList\default.php on line 36 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'extensions/MembersList/conf/language.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;H:\Program Files\xampp\php\pear\') in H:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\vanilla\extensions\MembersList\default.php on line 36 Warning: include(extensions/MembersList/conf/settings.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in H:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\vanilla\extensions\MembersList\default.php on line 37 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'extensions/MembersList/conf/settings.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;H:\Program Files\xampp\php\pear\') in H:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\vanilla\extensions\MembersList\default.php on line 37 gdfgdfg
  • I had the same issue as vaniller but changing these lines in "MembersList/default.php" worked:


    /*Language definitions & settings*/
    Changed to:

    /*Language definitions & settings*/
    include($Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] . 'MembersList/conf/language.php');
    include($Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] . 'MembersList/conf/settings.php');
  • To Friendly Url it

    add RewriteRule ^memberslist/(.*)$ extension/?PostBackAction=Members [QSA,L]

    to the .htaccess then go
  • something different. I'm trying to read out some (predefined) attributes in this members-list but at the moment i've only a bit of an idea how to do it and how to add custom information-cells to the List. Can somebody please help me with kind of a more detailed solution idea? greetings from Berlin, Germany
  • Great tool.
    How would I go about adding a column for "Last Seen"
    with a date and time stamp

  • # edavis
    I can confirm - this change fix this problem.
    But I have a little OT question - is there a way to set in vanilla option to role image would be loaded for users who don't have own avatar ?
  • Somehow the footer sticks directly to the bottom member list. This happens with different browsers.
  • How do I change the font color? I have a very dark theme & style in my background and I can't see the text.
  • I have IE7 and for some reason when i go to look at the list and i have 3 pages so far the navganital bar is up and down not left to right. How do i fix this. (My work around is i change how many user i can see on one page. So far is works until i get way more members.) Thanks for your help! I love this add-on!!!!
  • I have the same issue as dionhall85. I'm able to get to page 2, but not page three. I have to resort to doing a "Search" for users (the old fashion way).
  • The problem is with IE7, If you download mozilla firefox, or safari you will be able to view the navagintal bar! That so far is my work around
  • Love it. Works perfect for me. Thank you!
  • I have installed "Members List" extension and it's working fine but paging is not displaying correctly. The page numbers displaying one under other not one next to each other. I need help to fix this issue.

    Thanks in advance,
  • Great extension, but in agreement with qlskydiver. "Last Seen" would be really nice.
  • Great extension. Can you let me know how I can change the setting where it lists more than 4 users per page.

    thank you, newby
  • Awesome, working perfectly with 1.1.5a Default Theme

    Had to "resync tabs" in Page Manager to get it to show
  • Hi, from "Selflearner" further up the page:

    "open up the file conf/settings.php

    from those lines

    // shows how many members showed in one page
    $eMembersConfig['paginate'] = '5';

    you can define how many members will be shown per page."

    I just bumped mine to 100
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