Live Discussions



  • yea, I'm on 4.0.22-standard i put that into phpMyAdmin and got the same error and then I looked in the LUM_User table, and I don't see a field called LDUpdateTime...
  • I know, that's the point of the query. It uses the SHOW COLUMNS query to see if the column exists or not. If it doesn't then it executes another query to create it.
  • hmm... puzzling
  • OK, looking at the MySQL 4 reference it seems the SHOW COLUMNS command can't be used with a WHERE clause, only with a LIKE clause. I should be able to achieve the desired effect with a DESCRIBE command though. Updating the code now...
  • Uploaded version 1.3 of Live Discussions.
  • When I try to configure Live Discussions, I get this error message:

    Notice: Use of undefined constant __METHOD__ - assumed '__METHOD__' in /home/content/n/t/c/ntchristian/html/forum/extensions/LiveDiscussions/account.class.php on line 23
  • Sorry, my bad, I didn't realise it was a PHP 5-only magic constant. Updating the code now.
  • Uploaded version 1.4 of Live Discussions.
  • wow ... amazing ...
  • In the sidebar, when I click "Live Updates are off" link under "Live Discussions" heading, it does nothing. Where do I configure Live Discussions and turn it "on"? Under my account, I only have the option of changing the page refresh time.
  • Sounds like something's wrong with the javascript. What browser are you using and are there any errors being reported?
  • I'm using Safari 3.0.4 with no errors being reported. I also logged into my forum with FireFox, and I still can't turn on Live Discussions.
  • A minor point---when a setting is changed, either by the admin or individual user, it would be nice if some sort of "success" message displayed.
  • @NTChristian: Have you got any extensions that use prototype? They will sometimes mess-up Mootools. Can I have a link to your forum? @timfire: I shall add that ASAP.
  • Not sure what you mean by prototype, but I am using JQuery.
  • Uploaded version 1.5 of Live Discussions.
  • @timfire: Now, if you also have the Mootools extension installed, the form will flash green whenever you make changes. @NTChristian: JQuery shouldn't be a problem. I can't debug the script unless I can see it in use in your forum though. It seems odd that Safari reports no errors. If you really don't want to let me look at your forum could you try installing the Firebug add-on for Firefox and see if it shows any errors.
  • OK, another minor suggestion (can you tell I installed this today?)---Could you place something on the Account page that tells Users what the minimum time is? Something like:

    // First, around line 16: if (isset($Configuration['LD_MIN_REQUEST'])) $LD_MinTime = $Configuration['LD_MIN_REQUEST']; else $LD_MinTime = RealMinReq; // Then, change the definition: $Context -> SetDefinition('LDAccSpiel', "Here you may set the number of seconds that pass before the discussions/comments page is updated. (min: $LD_MinTime)");
  • Hell, while I'm at it, I would wrap the whole thing in a "if ($Context->Session->UserID > 0)" condition. That would cut down on bandwidth, by limiting the feature to members only.
  • I have the same problem as NTChristian. What's even stranger is that the first time it loads it's near the top of the sidebar, after I click on it and reload, it's further down. using a recent version of FF. My forum is invite only, whisper your email to me and I'll send you an invite.
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