System Message



  • I have that same problem that XK and fysicsluvr, please, help us!
  • OK, sorry, Internet's been down. I'll look into these issues now.

    @XK, fysicsluvr and tikitakfire: I can't see why you aren't getting the permission. There should be an extra checkbox which says 'Can create and edit system messages'. If there isn't then I'm not really sure why not. Can you check conf/settings.php for the line:
    $Configuration['SM_PERMISSION_WRITE'] = '0';

    @Jared and MichaelPierce: Just checking that you guys can see the permission ok? As for the javascript errors, I can't reproduce them. The PageLeft element should always exist as it's hard-coded into the renderer. Using a different theme shouldn't matter but just to check, what themes are you using? Another possibility is javascript incompatibilities but the errors you've got don't really point to that. As another check, can you take a look at the generated HTML and look inside the main fieldset element. There should be a div with an id of 'EditTab'. Inside that there should be an 'ol' tag with an id of 'PageNums' can you look inside that and paste the contents here? The first 'li' tag should have an id of 'PageLeft'.
  • Hi Fyorl, thank you very much for looking into this.

    The line is in my settings.php file but there isn't a 'Can create and edit system messages' under my roles/perms > user role > role abilities. I've checked several user roles to confirm this.
  • Uploaded version 1.4 of System Message.
  • OK, try the new version and see if that fixes your problem. Other people who already have this working with the 1.3 release, if you install 1.4 you'll need to give yourself the permission again. Also, there'll be an ugly SM_PERMISSION_WRITE on your roles/permissions page. I'm working on getting that removed now, I need to root around Vanilla's code for a bit.

    OK, in order to remove that you need to edit a serialized array which can be a little delicate. First, you need to get the value of the 'Permissions' field for the Administrator role (and whatever other roles have the permission). If you have PHPMyAdmin then it's easy: Go to the LUM_Role table (LUM_ might be different for you), click browse, then click the pencil button next to the Administrator role. In the 'Value' column of the 'Permissions' row will be a text box. Copy and paste that whole string somewhere that you can see it better. Then, right at the beginning you'll see 'a:37:{'. The '37' could be different for you, it doesn't matter, just decrease that value by 1. Then, remove this section from the string:
    s:19:"SM_PERMISSION_WRITE";i:1;Then copy and paste that back into the text box and save the row.

    Edit 2:
    You only need to do the above if you saw the permission correctly in version 1.3 and then upgraded to version 1.4. Even then, if you don't mind having the 'SM_PERMISSION_WRITE' you can completely ignore the above, it won't make any difference to your forum.
  • Oooh. I'll try it. Thanks!
  • I now have the check box and the extension menu and when I try to send a message:
    (plus the addressbook icon doesn't seem to call anything?)

    " smadmin.GetUserNum();

    The error occurred on or near: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 "

    No sign of 'SM_PERMISSION_WRITE'
  • ..and it looks like it hosed the whole forum. I had to remove the extension from underneath and the edit the extension.php file to remove the calls to it.
  • Doh, the code can't deal with no info in the database, my bad. I'm updating the extension now...
  • ok, what i figured out so far is...

    -it's not possible to read a message, if you send a message to the same group you are in (admin to admin for example), then only the bg appears without text.
    -nothing happens if i press the little "book" over the role-textfield or the "edit messages" link.
    -no effect if i assign a member for the feature like: "members are able to use the sysmsg feature" = at least they are not able to use the feature, because the button to compose a message appears only on the settings page (panel), but the settings page is only for admins (in my case).

    i guess that's all :D
  • thx for the upgrade, but now I have this error:
    Affected Elements undefined.undefined(); The error occurred on or near: Table 'vanilla.lum_sysmsg' doesn't exist
  • Uploaded version 1.5 of System Message.
  • OK, version 1.5 should fix a lot of the problems people have been having.

    @fery: I can't reproduce your bug with sending messages to the same role, I can send a message to Administrator no problem. The book problem should now be fixed. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about your final point. The permissions that allow you to access the settings page are hard-coded into vanilla so if you want that role to be able to write/edit system messages then you need to give them another core permission too. Besides, why would you want to allow members the power of system messages?

    @tikitakfire: That's really strange. The extension should create that table when it's installed. Download the new version, remove the extension from your forum and edit conf/settings.php to remove this line:
    $Configuration['SM_INSTALLED'] = '1';Then re-enable the extension.
  • it was just an example with members, at least it's the same with moderators, they should be able to moderate threads or to send system messages (in their case announcements), but the system administration should be exclusive only to admins.

    but at least it's not so over important or essential, "for admins only" is also fine.
  • Hmm... *strokes imaginary beard*. It might be possible to give them the permission and then have the button appear instead on their Account Page. I should only have to modify a couple of things in the code to make the change but I'd prefer to wait until I get reports of all the current bugs being resolved before doing that.
  • yeah! Now it works! Thanks for your time!
  • nooo! :D it's all good, at least don't waste your time with this, the core features are all there and working and good and and and.

    enjoy spain and your vaccation :D
  • Thanks, I'll do my best ;)
  • it works great now (love the bounce effect), but i get this warning: Notice: unserialize(): Argument is not a string in /home/snakeriv/public_html/community/extensions/SystemMessage/default.php on line 81 EDIT: and if there's html in the message, it displays a blank 'system message'. (no title or text, or even 'close' button). And how about adding unauthenticated to the role list so we can use this to replace the guest welcome message. (obviously you'd have to do something different about whether the message has been read for that role [maybe once per session?])
  • Hmm fery reported a problem with blank messages too. I've tested a message with HTML on my server and it seems to work fine. I think the problem is when PHP gives error messages. It messes up the headers and causes the <script> tags to appear in the <body> instead of the <head>. That's causing the message script to run before the variables containing the message content are sent to it - the result is a blank message. I'm just uploading version 1.6 which should hopefully fix the unserialize() notice which should then fix the blank messages.
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