Twitter Feed

paulOrpaulOr New
edited May 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Twitter Feed


  • Enjoy :)
  • Uploaded version v1.5 of Twitter Feed.
  • New version, might aswell :) fixed some bugs that appear when you enter an invalid username.
    Let me know what you think or what else you would like it to do :)
  • Uploaded version v1.6 of Twitter Feed.

    your now able to choose how many tweets you want to show, 1 - 10, if less than 1, it shows 5(default) if more than 10 it shows 10.
  • Uploaded version v1.6 of Twitter Feed.
  • I like this, but it should also have a link to the persons twitter profile somewhere
  • good idea :) ill add soon
  • Uploaded version v1.6.1 of Twitter Feed.
  • Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/default.php on line 52 Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/default.php on line 52 Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/xml2array.class.php on line 86

    Yes it is a valid Twitter account!
  • You need to edit php.ini and set allow_url_fopen to ON, which will allow you to get offsite data (from twitter).
  • No way I can do that, my host won't let me.

    Looks like I'll have to revert to other widgets that don't require this setting.

    Thanks anyway.
  • Why are you using file_get_contents?

    You should use CURL and the available API to fetch the JSON-based content.


    You can then use json_decode() to drop it into a standard array and drop a little foreach/while magic on it.

    Much easier than doing a file_get_contents on the XML feed. Not mentioning that fact that most people won't enable allow_url_fopen since it's a horrendously unsafe "feature".

    If I can figure out the Vanilla methodology, I'll make the change and toss a patch/diff to you.
  • Here's a quick example;

    $tweets = "";

    $tw = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($tw, CURLOPT_URL, $tweets);
    curl_setopt($tw, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $twi = curl_exec($tw);


    No, I don't tweet very often.
  • awpti
    iv created a better way of doing it and will release the recode soon! thanks for the suggestions though.
  • Uploaded version v2 of Twitter Feed.
  • hi i installed twitter v1 and 2, but dont see in the page nothing, in settings twitter post can see it
    consumer key - consumer secret - user auth key - user auth secret, what is this?
    the user of foro can see your post from twitter every one? :( how? thanks
  • Hi, works a treat.. thanks!

    any ideas how I go about turning @usernames or #tags into links automatically?
  • I have added hovercards to take care of @usernames :)
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