
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My freaking in-laws (that I live with) found my blog...and read it... all of it.. Now they are irritated and "hurt". Shit like that is just, not suppose to happen. They took it all serious.. I had been thinking about that plugin "does your mother know.." last week, but put it off. Bad idea it turns out... Went looking for it today to prevent any further disturbances, but I cant find a download for it. Anyone here have it? I cant vent on my blog now, I cant write about "sensitive" issues, shit, cant even write about what happened. Im temped to scrap it and start a new one. And now my woman wants me to apologize. Apologize for them reading my "journal"? That doesnt sounds right to me. But I dont think I have a choice.


  • Woah woah woah woah!

    That's just shit man.
  • http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=655&topic=-1
  • Nice. A little late for some of that though.
  • see what happens when you put your real life on the net for all the world to see?
  • heh. i was waiting for a wise crack from the anti bloggers. It's a fair point though; atleast i keep my self porn sites highly secured. Fortunately besides my bro, my mum is pretty much the only person in the whole family with the ability to use the internet and its unlikely she'd go digging.
  • lol
  • Heh, wouldnt trust that "unlikely" too much...I though it was highly unlikely that they would ever read it...
  • was it an anonymous blog? if so, how did they find it! I would simply deny it. Say it is not your site. Sorry it happened though. from my persepctive it is quite funny though.
  • Sure its funny, if it aint you. Its not really a big deal, he was just a little "hurt" by one of the posts, where I was pretty pissed. And now Im being forced to apologize for something that I dont feel I should have to. Thats like reading your daughters diary and making her say sorry to you because she wrote about how much of a dick you were yesterday. When in fact you were a dick. Nah, not anonymous. He asked for my email address so he could mail me something and I gave it without ever thinking about it. He just went to the domain of the email (my site, hatethis.org, my email krak(at)hatethis.org ) and started digging through it.
  • Don't appologise. I don't think you have any reason to. I havn't read your blog, but I'll have a dig through it to see how bad it was. Can you post a link to their comment so I don't spend my whole day reading about your life (not that I would object. I have nothing elese to do today).
  • well, this is exactly why dirty laundry should not always find it's way to the internet. it sucks, but it's rather funny in that ironic little way.
  • New
    edited October 2005
    lol.... this was the post. They didn't have the nerve to comment on it, they didn't even tell me they read it. I found out from my fiance (wife if we had the $$ to tie it off) that they read it, her mom told her, and she told me.

    No one, other than my fiance, has even brought it up today. She keeps asking if I had apologized yet. She told me to email him.
  • Okay. The post was a little rough. I might appologise to him now. It is still your personal blog, and I would never stop posting, but I think that you have to make it clear to them that is your 'vent' from daily life. Say you need to do this to stay sane. They might understand.
  • It's the main reason I use Livejournal at the moment rather than moveable type, the ability to lock posts as 'friends only' is a very big plus, you might want to split your blogs into public stuff and a private friends only LJ.
  • Well, I have always led a life of a real MAN, I don't apologise even if they threaten to kill me, they say it'll grow hair on your body if you do that, for every time a man apologises another lesbian is born :D

    ps. for those too serious people, I was just joking
  • lesbians are a bad thing now? I knew porn was teaching me all the wrong things... *reads kraks post and notices how true it is.
  • :P no. lesbians are kool!
  • nathan is a lesbian, nathan is alesbian ... watch out for nathan, he'll give you the lesbovirus, hii haa :D
  • classic
  • Inside this shell of a man, is a raging lesbian. Give me all your women.
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