Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.0.1......

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
not as easy as it is supposed to be. I have followed the instructions.

but I am now getting this error

Fatal error: Call to a member function DefinePermissions() on a non-object in /srv/mysite.co.uk/public/htdocs/forum/library/core/class.session.php on line 264

Dont know why....

Can anybody help please?


  • I've no idea what this means, but if I were you and you just want to get the forum back up quickly then I'd rename your forum directory to 'forum_bak' or something, and make a complete backup your database so it can be recovered if necessary. Create a brand new empty 'forum' directory, upload all vanilla 2.0.1 files to the new directory and start with a fresh install.
  • Are you sure all the files transferred correctly?
  • Ok, if I do a clean install, do I loose the posts, I know there arent many, but next time I do an upgrade, there could be more posts. How do I move the posts over.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    The posts are in the database, so a clean "file" install does not lose them.
  • Just back the database up first then you won't loose anything.
  • ok, I'll give it a go.
  • This is cracking me up. Trying to do fresh install, I get a whole page full of errors, which I have no clue about. For a simple forum, it isnt easy to upgrade or update. I am giving up at the moment. I just dont know what to do now.
  • ok, can somebody help me with this update, I am still getting that error. Also, the updates to 2.0.6 can I update direct to that version or do I have to update each one.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    You can upgrade directly.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    What errors do you get when you try a fresh install?
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