attachments for Vanilla 2 ?

edited June 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I have not started working whit Vanilla 2 but I plan to do so and for that I am searching for the plugins I used with vanilla 1.

I think the most important ones are there - or lets say, their functions are available as plugins.

But what about "attachments"? Is there a extention for let people upload stuff?
I would like to upgrade a vanilla 1 forum - so would be wonderful if it would be possible to have the images and stuff people had uploaded on Vanilla 1 also be seen on Vanilla 2.

Is there anything? I am not able to do it by my own, but I think it is necessary for my project.



  • i'm not sure there's one
    i have a tiny script serving on my server as a file hosting
    here it is for you:
    anyway, i guess it is possible to implement it in vanilla by switching this script into vanilla addon, so this could be easier and faster to rewrite the code instead of starting from the scratch.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    This feature is currently only available on right now as it is not yet ready (robust enough) for an open source release. It needs to be polished and documented.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @Tim

    Any ideas on when the feature will be added? Just wondering if it's something I should try to build for myself in the meantime. Thanks!
  • what about release it as a beta - so we could help finding bugs.

    Is there any compatibility with attachments for vanilla 1?

    Hm, I should have a look how that plugin works - does it write an image-tag into the posts? - than it should work without the plugin...

    I will have a look...
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Hi guys.

    This is a complex feature that we are not ready release yet, even as a beta. We made this feature for our hosted platform where we had full control over the environment. As such, it relies on some custom php extensions and special configuration settings.

    We're not ready to support this.

    File uploads will come, but not in the state they're in right now. Sorry

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • The lack of an attachment plugin for Vanilla2 made me choose Vanilla 1 for a new website I'm launching. My biggest concern now is what's going to happen with the attachments when I upgrade to Vanilla 2. As @vegano suggested above, please make the new attachments plugin compatible with those for Vanilla 1 (Attachments 2 and Multi File Upload).
  • LincLinc Admin
    @Tudor I expect the import tool will eventually allow that, but I don't expect it in the first release.
  • Any updates on this? I have lots of images shared using attachment on my vanilla 1 forum. Will I eventually be able to see them in Vanilla 2?
  • moensmoens New
    edited August 2010
    its not attachments... but for embedding images and video, @passatgt came up with a pretty cool little bit of js here:
  • The second screenshot on the front page of demonstrates attachments... Somewhat misleading?
  • The second screenshot on the front page of demonstrates attachments... Somewhat misleading?
    I could not agree more. I love Vanilla 2 for ease-of-use and its' beauy, but I seriously expected the attachment feature to be in it since it's right there on the front page!
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