GNU license, what does it cover? code and design?
I have a website, and want to use vanilla for forums etc.
Does the GNU license cover both the code and web design?
The design I'm seeing right now, is that what ships with the downloadable version? (this cool orang'ish theme)
Does the GNU license cover both the code and web design?
The design I'm seeing right now, is that what ships with the downloadable version? (this cool orang'ish theme)
This is closest to the default theme. The blue is available as a download
This orange theme, however, is not, and is not available.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
This orange theme is a new set of files, external to the core, and works without modification to the core. Therefore it does not automatically fall under the GPL.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
If you modify a file that has the GPL at the top, you need to make that modified version available in source format and ideally push back to the main repo.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Have you heard of the wordpress theme thesis debate?
As Mark said, the motivation is that we want people to use Vanilla and develop with Garden. If the community (you guys) gives back some of what it takes, everyone benefits and the whole thing snowballs. Its not greedy fanaticism on our part, but a desire to see the most people benefit as much as possible from our shared work.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]