Custom registration fields

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm using Vanilla
I need to add more text fields in registration form.
The resulting values need to be displayed in the user profile.
Is there any plugin for my vanilla version? Or how can I do this manually?
Thank you!


  • I would like that too - but only for antispam purposes. It will be nice to add extra field which will be used to check if registration is not done by bot. Unfortunately recaptcha doesn't work...
  • Yep, I'd like this capability as well.
  • Hey me too! I'm really surprised this isn't an out of box feature.
  • I also need this function, its very wierd indeed its not included...
  • Or better yet, ability to sync custom profile fields with WP usermeta during single-sign-on handshake

    And able to display all custom fields in vanilla theme.
  • It would be nice to embed wufoo forms, and sync the databases...
  • @studioleland I have written an internal custom module that goes some way to attempting this. In my case it pulls in custom fields to add to the user's profile details (in a profiles plugin - "About Me" IIRC). It also pulls in additional roles from the external CMS and applies them to Vanilla.

    It does not pull in everything when it should though, and it is all about the guts of how ProxyConnect and Vanilla interact (without documentation of the process, it is extremely difficult to work it out, and still something I don't quite understand).

    However, if the code is any use, I can post it somewhere.
  • @judgej -- can you give us the code that may help many

  • battersbatters New
    edited May 2011
    I also need an additional field in the registration.
    I know that quite simple mathematical of the equation to ensure that no spam bot could not register, let's say 2+2 and in the input field with the only true value of 4, with another entry with an error of registration, but how? can anyone understands?
  • I successfully added it!
    Here is how:
    1. Add new field (eg. new_field) into table Gdn_users

    2. Edit these files:

    Add the input HTML codes for new_field in both files

    Add to method InsertFor*
    add $Fields['new_field'] = $_POST['new_field'];
    right before the line
    $UserID = $this->_Insert($Fields);

    Dump the value $this->User->new_field

    Good luck!
    Note: Vanilla update pack will destroy this.
  • edited March 2012

    I'm really sorry for gravedigging this, but I need a bit of help... I have tried @fafvin's method, and it works most of the way, but the fields entered into registration do not seem to carry on through into the user profile. The only way they can be edited is by an admin (i.e. me), is there something I did wrong with adding the mysql tables?
    This is what I have entered (it's a text field just like Username):

  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    edited March 2012

    Theres already a plugin first last name. Study that plugin, that will be better than hacking the core. Just my 2 cents

  • I'm looking for this kind of functionality too, but it needs to be customizable. About Me is a good template, but I don't need any of the school and career information (doesn't apply to our younger members), I need some basic information like birthdate and I'd like a host of other fill-ins and check-marks as well.
    @Aolee thanks for the pointer. I'll take a look there.

  • AoleeAolee ✭✭

    someone already uploaded a plugin to add first name and last name in the reg page. you can check this out.

    Check out my other Plugins here

  • AoleeAolee ✭✭

    grr sorry for the double post, there was an error in system during my post. @underdog, please help remove the dup.

  • k, done. It's at a new place now, so had to search for a bit.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • edited August 2013

    @Aolee said:
    Theres already a plugin first last name. Study that plugin, that will be better than hacking the core. Just my 2 cents

    what is the name of that plugin?

  • ProfileExtender ? (Is bundled with vanilla)

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • @lifeisfoo said:
    ProfileExtender ? (Is bundled with vanilla 2.1b1+)


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  • But it also works with 2.0 with a couple mods...

This discussion has been closed.