Didn't show up...

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Should I install the RoleTitle at first?


  • No, it shouldn't be dependent.
  • abrownabrown New
    edited March 2011
    It works for me. R U looking in the comments? It doesn't show up on homepage. You have to click comments.
  • edited March 2011
    I've got it, if you change the role name, you have to change the class name in the stylesheet, otherwise they will not show up.
  • I've got it, if you change the role name, you have to change the class name in the stylesheet, otherwise they will not show up.
    Aye, you should be able to make a css entry for each role name you want, too.

  • This is great, exactly what i've been looking for, I've cretaed a role called "Made Contribution" and then added people to this role when they have made a donation. Perfect! being able to see the rolename when hovering over woudl be great!
  • One last question, (Sorry very new to this!) I have added a roll called “Donate” and updated the RoleBadges.css to include the Donatebadge.

    I am guessing I need to update somewhere else to see the list of roles? A point in the right direction would be appreciated!

  • it does not work for me on
  • Sorry guys, I wish that I'd get an email when people post here.

    @Gerardo That is what I have for mine, I am not exactly sure what is wrong. Could you pastebin your RoleBadges.css and post a link here?
    @ntuyelik I am working on an update. The next version should also have rollover role names for ease of icon identification.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    @tenach: bookmark it (click the star)
  • Thaks for the reponse.

    The group is called Donated

    span.RoleBadges {
    height: 18px;
    width: 18px;
    display: inline-block;

    span.AdministratorBadge {
    background: transparent url('images/administrator.gif') no-repeat center center;

    span.ModeratorBadge {
    background: transparent url('images/moderator.gif') no-repeat center center;

    span.MemberBadge {
    background: transparent url('images/member.gif') no-repeat center center;

    span.DonatedBadge {
    background: transparent url('images/donate.gif') no-repeat center center;

    span.ApplicantBadge {


    span.ConfirmEmailBadge {


    span.GuestBadge {
    background: transparent url('images/guest.gif') no-repeat center center;

    span.BannedBadge {

  • brilliant Addon, I just have a question,

    Instead of GetRoles function, i want to add a brand new function to get roles from another database, i have the Proxyconnect addon and I have an external table of users with ranks field, I want to modify this addon so that I grab the rank from that table,

    any help is GREATLY appreciated.
  • Thanks @luc

    @Gerardo, do you have donate.gif put in the same folder as the other images that cam with the plugin?
  • it seems to have been linked to something else, after restoring from a backup after an issue the problem seems to have been resolved.

    Thanks for your help
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