Always show "Start a New Discussion" button, even for guests?

edited May 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Is this too broad a question? I don't have anything else to say except for asking the question!

Best Answer

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012 Answer ✓

    Option 1

    I mean changing the code and adding to it ...

    Check if user is logged in and display the button (normally you wouldn't see it - correct). If a user is logged in they wouldn't see it. So you are not changing the original Start New discussion code - just merely adding the button if no one is logged in (guest status).

    If not logged in
    display Start New discussion - that links to signin

    essentially what you said you wanted.

    If you are not up for programming a change.

    Option 2

    The alternative and second option

    You could download the anonymouse plugin - it allows people to post if they are not members - they merely have to respond to a captcha code (personally I find it easier to log in), but some users don't want to be members and that gives them the option to post.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.


  • guests are defined as users who can only view. Anyone who is not logged in is considered a guest. Try the anonymouse plugin if you want people to post messages without becoming members,

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrine said:
    guests are defined as users who can only view. Anyone who is not logged in is considered a guest. Try the anonymouse plugin if you want people to post messages without becoming members,

    Hi peregrine,

    Thanks for your answer! I realize now that it was not clear what I was asking. I would actually like to show the button, but not allow the user to post. He or she would be brought to the sign in/ register page upon clicking the "Start a New Discussion" button.

    My aim is to encourage participation in the forum this way.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012

    Best I can do for you...

    You have to experiment....

    apparently this is the code for the new discussion button:

    echo Anchor(T('Start a New Discussion'), '/post/discussion'.(array_key_exists('CategoryID', $Data) ? '/'.$Data['CategoryID'] : ''), 'BigButton NewDiscussion');

    this is the signin destination...

    perhaps if you merged them somewhere - you might get what you want.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I think I understand you. If I understand correctly, your solution overlooks the fact that the button is not displayed for guests. Do you mean to use that anonymouse plugin to enable displaying of the "Start a New Discussion" button for guests? The problem here would be that if I changed this code —

    echo Anchor(T('Start a New Discussion'), '/post/discussion'.(array_key_exists('CategoryID', $Data) ? '/'.$Data['CategoryID'] : ''), 'BigButton NewDiscussion');

    — then I would be changing it for the logged in users as well, no?

    Do you follow me? Thanks for the info. (I'm brand new with Vanilla and absolutely loving learning it:))

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012 Answer ✓

    Option 1

    I mean changing the code and adding to it ...

    Check if user is logged in and display the button (normally you wouldn't see it - correct). If a user is logged in they wouldn't see it. So you are not changing the original Start New discussion code - just merely adding the button if no one is logged in (guest status).

    If not logged in
    display Start New discussion - that links to signin

    essentially what you said you wanted.

    If you are not up for programming a change.

    Option 2

    The alternative and second option

    You could download the anonymouse plugin - it allows people to post if they are not members - they merely have to respond to a captcha code (personally I find it easier to log in), but some users don't want to be members and that gives them the option to post.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited May 2012

    I might actually try the anonymouse plugin in order to encourage registrations in the early days. Thanks for the information. I'll be back to implement option 1 later, and hopefully this is helpful for others who may want the same functionality!

    edit: On second thought, I'm going to try Option 1, as suggested, and I'll get back with my results. Like I said, I'm a complete newbie so we'll see how long it takes me to figure it all out.

  • peregrine said:
    Option 1

    I mean changing the code and adding to it ...

    Check if user is logged in and display the button (normally you wouldn't see it - correct). If a user is logged in they wouldn't see it. So you are not changing the original Start New discussion code - just merely adding the button if no one is logged in (guest status).

    If not logged in
    display Start New discussion - that links to signin

    I've been messing around with /vanilla/applications/vanilla/views/modules/newdiscussion.php and trying to write some code that identifies guests. However I just realized that newdiscussion.php doesn't seem to even get called if the user is a guest, so there's no point in editing it until I can tell Vanilla to call that file for guests also. That's where I'm at. Appreciate it if you had any thoughts on direction from here. I'll follow up if I find out where to go from here.

  • Answer

    This is literally the easiest solution.

    1. Open /vanilla/applications/vanilla/modules/class.newdiscussionmodule.php
    2. Comment out line 18: if ($HasPermission)

    So now Vanilla won't check if the user has permissions to see the "Start a New Discussion" button; it'll just display it no matter what. And if a guest clicks that button he's brought to the Sign in page.

    Unfortunately I already selected peregrine's option as the answer and I can't revoke that, but this is the solution that works for me. Wouldn't have gotten here without your support, peregrine, cheers!

  • edited May 2012

    In addition to above, the following change is possible to make the "Start a New Discussion" go directly to the Register page for Guests. However, it's probably not a good practice to implement this, because logged-out users would be brought to the register page upon clicking the button, and they wouldn't be able to sign in from that page.

    Change /vanilla/applications/vanilla/views/modules/newdiscussion.php to the following:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    if (Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Vanilla.Comments.Add', TRUE, 'Category', $CategoryID)) {
     echo Anchor(T('Ask a Question'), '/post/discussion'.(array_key_exists('CategoryID', $Data) ? '/'.$Data['CategoryID'] : ''), 'BigButton NewDiscussion');
    else {
     echo Anchor(T('Ask a Question'), '/entry/register'.(array_key_exists('CategoryID', $Data) ? '/'.$Data['CategoryID'] : ''), 'BigButton NewDiscussion');
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