Vanilla Badges :) Thanks Team



  • @Jongos They are paying for our time. Therefore, they get priority access to advanced, supplemental features. If you think that's unreasonable then I'm keenly interested in what business model you're using that allows you to give away 100% of your time for free.

  • @Lincoln

    Okay... So it's an economic issue, got it now.

    Told you I'm not a programmer, I'm asking from a consumer perspective (no insight of the problems within an open source project and it's norms)

    I thought it's about stability... It could be released as premium plugin to self-hosted users and this could avoid duplicate projects (maybe this going to raise another problem, how should i know, i'm not a programmer).

    Not everyone can afford (technically, not financially) at because of their requirement for certain custom solution. But they can still contribute financially to the cause...

    Everyone is so tense around here...

  • @Jongos I realize it must seem that way but place yourselves in their shoes.

    They've released an open source forum system that they put a ton of work into. They also host it to try and make a living.

    And people, all day, every day, come in here demanding (not asking for) help. No one on the internet is ENTITLED to open source. When people do this over and over, it gets old fast. So even if you didn't intent to sound like that, the words are probably colored by the every day experience of the person reading them.

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  • @ddumont

    thanks mate, got it.

    p/s: NillaBlog is cool... thumbs up.

  • :)

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  • As far a business models go, I'm sure there is a price point that could be set that would make sense to release this very intriguing new application on a restricted license.

    Of course it would be entirely up to you if you wanted to stipulate that you may at any future point release the code as open source and that no refunds or credits would be provided to customers who purchased the original license...

    Just a thought from someone who has both made a few bucks and wants to see vanilla grow and push forward.

  • Is this addon avaialble?

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    Waiting for getting it released in Public. I am sure after releasing it, Vanilla will get major boost in its rankings and preferences against other competing forums.

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  • aeryaery ✭✭✭
    edited March 2012

    The badges are great, but can be have some differentiation in graphics for them?

    Like these colorful ones -

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  • Is this addon available yet?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2012

    @aery - what graphics software do you use to design your badges?

    Plugin badge for this site??

    100 downloads etc.

    5 plugins added badge.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    @peregrine Anyone can create with the help of Photoshop and Illustrator.

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  • thanks - right now I just use gimp and imagecreate(). No wonder my graphics are so crude.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I love doing graphics, if you need anything shoot me an email.

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  • thanks I hate doing graphics. I love jquery - just need to learn more.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I like the badge idea if someone can come up with the graphics I can work on building a plugin for it.

  • Any word on Badges going Open Source?

    Regarding the aside about Vanilla needing to make some $$$ to keep developing awesome software, the hosted model isn't right for me, but I'd certainly consider a "developer subscription" to get access to pre-release code or a couple of hours of dedicated staff support. At minimum, I'd like to see a "donate" button somewhere, or a way to buy @Todd a beer every time he helps me.

  • candymancandyman ✭✭
    edited May 2012
  • @candyman, I've read that line of thinking previously. "Quest for Accolades" would be nice, but is just a great idea at this stage. I'm not inclined to reinvent Vanilla's wheel, unless it proves to be a poorly balanced, triangular wheel. Badges exists somewhere in closed-source, and it seems to work well on this site.

    On the other hand, I'd be up to partnering with a group of developers to build an Open Source PHP gamification engine, and then plugging THAT into Vanilla. Why reinvent the wheel when you can invent an anti-gravity device?

  • greate feather ! hope come soon for open source

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