[gitHub Bug #1452] [vanilla 2.1]Getting a blank page on WhosOnline setting in dashboard

oldcaioldcai New
edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I uploaded the plugin and changed the owner of all files to web server user (www-data), then get a blank page in the dashboard when setting whos online.

Then I got this article, but the cache folder and it's children are already writeable. Even if I chmod -R 777 cache/ sames not work anyway.

Then I enabled the "Debugger" plugin. Nothing changing.

So I read this article. Added $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php'; to "conf/config.php", the setting page (/plugin/whosonline) still blank.

Then another try. I edited the "php.ini“ fiile, set
display_errors = On error_reporting = E_ALL & E_STRICT

Errors still not displayed and HTTP statue still "200".


Error Url:

page empty, but HTTP statue 200.

And another question by the way: How can I add "This discussion is related to the WhosOnline addon." to this post?


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