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How to submit an admin theme ?

Hi , as some of you know I am a css addict . I have been editing my admin.css to my liking. I noticed there are no themes for the dashboard available.

How can I submit one?
Thanks for the replies if any


  • Sure, but there's not currently a way to set a dashboard theme separately from the main there.

  • thanks for the reply Lincoln,.... :(
    I could offer edited css maybe? I mean all that changes is the css. and a couple images.

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    @vrijvlinder I am looking forward to it :)

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Not an interchangeable way to change dashboard themes, but

    If you put customadmin.css in your customized theme

    in themes/Yourtheme/customadmin.css

    it should override current dashboard admin.css

    without having to modify the core dashboard css files.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Now that is the kind of idea I totally like ! That way when I submit a theme, the dashboard will match !! oh how cooool !!

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited December 2012

    You could also do it as a plugin. That'd let you selectively add customadmin.css to the Dashboard without interfering with their main theme choice.

  • edited December 2012

    I am still learning how to make plugins :( , the customadmin.css works excellent when I added it to my theme design folder. It can't be this easy is it ??? I LOVE VANILLA!!!!!

    Thanks @peregrine for this wonderful idea !!

  • I actually have been working on the WP admin.css mostly because I hated their login form so I changed it to match my site design. I must say that the wpadmin.css is a total jumbled mess. The theme I use has an admin theme too so some of the style comes from admin.css and some comes from fresh-colour.css , I am going to attempt to organize the code proper, sometimes the code has to be spaceless? But it is a pain to edit like that...

    This image is the my wordpress login form :)

  • @peregrine , upon further study, in theory and without changing something else, the customadmin.css idea was great ! except that some of it manifested itself in a discussion page, which was odd but not surprising it was too easy to be true arg!

    The idea is solid , the question is where to put the customadmin.css. Putting it in the theme folder affects the pages or can adversely affect the pages . So I put the file in the css folder where admin.css resides. I thought that would fix the problem but it was still being summoned along with custom.css when not in the dashboard. The problem only happens when I'm logged in which may or may not be the problem but maybe another name ? But how would it be summoned? The key for this to work flawlessly is to know where to put the file , admin or theme folder, and to make sure it does not get summoned. Or to make it more complex rewrite the admin.css using new classes and id names....but ....

    If I get into the controllers I see this code :

    if (in_array($this->ControllerName, array('profilecontroller', 'activitycontroller'))) {
          } else {

    What would happen if I add to this list customadmin.css ? And if it is bad to mess with the controllers , where to add this change? I guess that is where a plugin comes in ..... no? for now I saved the original admin.css with another name and are using my code only named it admin.css


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2012

    @vrijvlinder said

    What would happen if I add to this list customadmin.css ?

    you would be modifying the core.
    should you? no.


    here's a plugin -

    you can just post your css or attach your customadmin.css samples here

    and you can properly override the admin.css if you follow
    the rules of precedence and inheritance

    "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!" - as in using this plugin as a base - It will not bleed into the main forum css or other views.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I wish one could give more awesome , I would give you 10 in a row ! I tried it and it works just need to fix a small bug, I posted feedback in your plugin page. hail to the plugin king ! (bows head)

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