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Widget Urls Wrong

I have managed to get Vanilla operational and embedded on my site ( I have two questions though

1) how can I get the "new post" button to do a "ask a question" button like thes forums

2) how do i fix the widget urls. They are currently pointing to incorrect URLS, and they all break as a result. help


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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP
    edited April 2013

    1) What version of Vanilla are you running?

    2) Can you give an example of a widget URL?

    3) You want the dropdown, or just the ability to ask a question?

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    you can see the wrong widget urls on any of the other pages like

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    This seems to be an issue with your wordpress widgets.

    4) Are you running Vanilla embedded?

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    yes I'm running it embedd. i fixed the widget problem. there's a button that tells you to force URLs to the wordpress installation. that fixed the problem. however now the integrated login in not working. i'll post another question

    I want the dropdown like on these forums

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    oh I'm using the newest version, freshlydownloaded

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP
    edited April 2013

    The button uses some special markup to combine the Discussion and Question button provided by the QnA addon.

    < div class="ButtonGroup Multi  Action Big Primary">
      <a href="/post/discussion/questions" class="Button Primary">New Discussion</a>
      < ul class="Dropdown MenuItems">
        <li><a href="/post/discussion/questions">New Discussion</a></li>
        <li><a href="/post/question">Ask a Question</a></li>
      <a href="/discussion/23437/widget-urls-wrong#" class="Button Primary Handle"><span class="Sprite SpDropdownHandle"></span></a>

    They also use some jQuery to activate the flyout.

    $(document).delegate('.ButtonGroup > .Handle', 'click', function() {
      var buttonGroup = $(this).closest('.ButtonGroup');
      if (buttonGroup.hasClass('Open')) {
        // Close
      } else {
        // Close all other open button groups
        // Open this one
      return false;

    Style to your heart's content!

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