Remove/merge gender?

Is there a way to remove gender from the database? I'm using forced jsconnect registration/sign in, so our members will not be filling out the usual registration form, and I expect many will not change it in their profiles (plus, I'd prefer it if it were inclusive of non-binary genders, but that seems far more complicated a task than just making it irrelevant). Is it possible to just have all instances where it's used to say "he/she" or "his/hers" say "they" and "their" for everyone?


  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited May 2013


    You are probably looking for custom definitions in your locale. ( (c) @hgtonight )

    In the first half of the definition you put what is currently used in Vanilla, in the second half what you want to change the text to.

  • To clarify you are looking to set the definitions of 'he', 'she', 'his', and 'her' to what ever.

    Those are the only gender specific definitions I found in a cursory search through the source.

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  • @whu606 Oh, I should have thought of that! Thanks!

    @hgtonight Yes. In another post it was mentioned that someone's set gender was what determined how they were referred to so I thought it was probably deep in the code somewhere (probably beyond my programming comprehension level), but I think whu606's suggestion will work for me.

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