[GitHub Bug #1609] I removed a plugin from the dashboard and all my plugins disappeared !

edited August 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi something freakish happened to me. I removed a plugin from the dashboard and then all my plugins disappeared .

They are listed in the config but the plugins folder is gone !!! What could have possibly happened and how should I proceed ?

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  • I would restore from a backup.

    I don't know the specifics of your setup, but it sounds like there was a path issue and your php user had write permissions to the plugin folder.

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  • why would removing one plugin erase the entire folder ? even the folder disappeared

  • Not a solution...good luck in restoration..

    what os did it happen on - out of curiousity. And you are certain, you didn't do anything at the command line level prior to that, and there was no machine crash.

    Was it a home-grown plugin you removed, or a downloaded one from the add-ons.

    do you know the owner and group of the plugins and permissions of /plugins?

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • what os did it happen on


    Was it a home-grown plugin you removed,

    yes a failed plugin

    you didn't do anything at the command line

    no was editing css

    do you know the owner and group of the plugins and permissions of /plugins?


  • perhaps something weird in

    public function OnDisable() {

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I removed a plugin

    you disabled or removed?

    probably better not to remove via dashboard - if you see remove option your permissions aren't set as good as they can be.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I would be interested in seeing what was in the failed plugin to do this.

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  • disabled then removed, This had not happened before with any of my installs. My host will not allow 777 unless it is required and it is rarely required. The remove option only appears when the plugin is disabled.

    I just got off the phone with host , had to pay to get them to restore the folder. Have about 100 plugins in there...all my work , some which had not been saved .

    Mostly special mods to each plugin for that specific site . What a hassle . I am never going to remove a plugin from the dashboard again...

  • It was a simple contact form which I was trying to add a captcha to. It was nothing special it had no settings or config definitions. I simply did not want to continue trying to make that one work. It was disabled anyway.

  • A hard lesson to learn. It is unfortunate your host charged you for it.

    At least you were able to get it back!

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  • Yes , they will not charge if it is their fault. I lost an entire install on one domain because of them. They were updating the server or something and the files did not transfer well. They had to fix it. I had not much content in that one so did not lose much. I save all my themes and important files as backup. But had not done it with the plugins. most I could upload again but some had many changes I had made . The most important to me is the adminthemeswitcher and that has 4 themes. I knew instantly something was wrong when the dashboard style was gone.

  • I just got off the phone with host , had to pay to get them to restore the folder. Have about 100 plugins in there...all my work , some which had not been saved .

    bummer. Some authors write the code the first time, get it working, and throw it away and start over, sometimes leads to better design. Think of all the fun hours you could have had redesigning all the plugins provided you remembered what the 100 of them did.

    glad you got it fixed, albeit with out of pocket cost.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I have removed plugins from the dashboard before on all my installs. Even the 2.1 buggssss... I always thought that was normal. I mean why have a remove button then?

    My host said I should just remove it from the file manager then edit the config. Funny thing is the config did not lose the list of plugins. It was as if they were still there..

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2013

    @Shadowdare to replicate in

    make the plugin with 777 permissions

    /plugins/testplugin 777 all rwx permission including other.

    if you disable the particular plugin e.g. "testplugin" you will see an option for remove in the dashboard next to enable in the "testplugin"

    caveat: not a good idea though to use those permissions.

    if you do see remove option - you know you made your permissions too expansive.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited May 2013

    It's still strange that the remove button deleted every plugin and hopefully it's not a bug in Vanilla. If your plugins directory wasn't given 777, then your host probably has some sort of tool like suPHP or mod_ruid2 that lets PHP scripts write to directories with 755.

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2013

    @Shadowdare said:
    It's still strange that the remove button deleted every plugin and hopefully it's not a bug in Vanilla. If your plugins directory wasn't given 777, then your host probably has some sort of tool like suPHP or mod_ruid2 that lets PHP scripts write to directories with 755.

    maybe V can try to replicate it :). (make a local backup first though :) )
    then again maybe not something she wants to do. But it would be interesting for someone to experiment and try by changing permissions (I haven't made a backup though)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Just wanted to share some info I found while looking into this.

    The hooked function is CleanUp when removing a plugin via the dashboard, not OnDisable like @peregrine and I thought.

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  • @hgtonight

    Let the record be corrected:) I already made one mistaken judgement call today and I don't know if I can handle two mistakes at this time :).

    Actually, I was wondering if V put some code in the ondisable that may have "cleaned up, so to speak". But , your additional info is insightful with respect to remove.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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