Need help on new site :-)

  1. First the discussion (title) is too long. How can I shorten this?

2 . Where my users post their (body text) for a new post discussion , there is no border or any indication that's where you type your text. How can I add a border to this?

Could someone please tell me how to fix these two things, step by step please! I'm new at all of this. I'm sending a screenshot.

I'm using the theme: GreenGlassversion 1.1by VrijVlinder

Thank you

Magda :-)



  • here it is

  • edited June 2013

    @magda sure that has to do with the form style just edit this part as you see fit.I designed this to be used with cleditor editor and it has border , but you can just edit how you need it in these lines in the custom.css

    #DiscussionForm textarea {
    width: 98%!important;
    height: 100%!important;
    margin: 0 0 6px;
    background: transparent;
    border: none;
    overflow: hidden;
    color: #87c10b;
    font-weight: bold;

    this part is for the input box that you say is too long just change the values as you need.

    #DiscussionForm .Category, #DiscussionForm input.InputBox {
    width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
  • Thank you for the codes! But where do i find this in my website to make these changes, please give me a step by step :-)

  • go to the theme folder then open the custom.css file find the parts I mention above and edit what you need then save . That is about as simple as it gets .

  • ok i changed the theme to Embed-Friendlyversion 1.0by Mark O'Sullivan, but where is the custom.css, i don't see it?

  • in the themes folder . along with the other themes you installed .

  • NO there's nothing in my themes folder with that name, just other themes!

  • the file is in the theme's folder


  • are you talking about where i host at like the file manager, or on my website?

  • yes exactly, that is where you need to go to find the files you need to edit. On you file manager

  • why didn't you say that before :-) told you I'm new at this, and i need a step by step ;-)

  • But thank much vrijvlinder!

    How do i update my theme to keep up with the lasted bug fixes etc? Step by step please :-)

  • All themes here are offered as is and sometimes have no updates it is up to you to fix your own bugs and issues as they come up. You need to learn CSS and php at least the basics or hire someone to help you. Fixing anything is easy once you learn these things .

  • magdamagda New
    edited June 2013

    I see! ok right now im trying to remove or move the translate bar, it's in the way for the search (go) bar, how can i move it or delete it, which ever one is easiest,

    im in my css, just need the codes name etc to find them thanks! :-)

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2013

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • NO sorry it did not, i cant seem to del it or move this language bar! :-(

  • The translate this button is located in the master.default.php it is easy to find just erase it from there or move it somewhere else. You should look closely at this file since that is what contains the html and php for the forum style.

    I take it you went back to my theme ? I don't know of anyone else who put a translator in their theme. :)

  • I did not put that translator in there! It came with it from my hosing company.

    can you give me a step by step how to get to -master.default.php, and if i delete this will it hurt anything? I tried to delete it in css.- some of it would , but not all of it.

  • edited June 2013

    No ,what I mean is that if you are using my themes some have a translate this button on them, if that is what you mean. If you have a link to your installation It would be easier for me to see what is going on and help you out. It is hard to guess what is going on .

    The default.master.php is located in the theme folder. it contains the layout of the forum in html and php code. You can add stuff to it but in a correct way. If you do it wrong , yes it can mess it up . But you could fix it by installing a new copy of the theme and start over. This is not a bad idea because you learn by mistakes when you start.

    As long as you don't tamper with the main code the core , then it should be fine.

    In my themes, the translate button is located near the < div id = Panel > in the default.master.php of the theme.

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