Windows OS X.. I mean Vista...
Sure they look different from each other, but similarities go deeper than the skin.
Reading an interesting article that compares the Windows XP and Vista together, you can clearly see that many aspects have copies straight from OS X.
One of the biggest similarities is the Library & Search functions, it's just like fileview in Max OS X presenting all the content from your computer on one view, arranged by various variables like type, date and so on. Now I don't think that is a bad thing, it's a logical step, had to be taken, but I wouldn't be suprised to find a spotlight going through my files if you catch my drift.
Next is the IE7. I wouldn't say that they have copied that much from Apple per se, more like they are going to the direction shown by Firefox, Safari, Opera, Netscape and all that.
And taking in consideration that you can find the Windows Calendar, Mail and Movie maker (outlook and movie maker have been in current and earlier windows releases too) in Vista, you might want to ask, if this is the brief of Vista, how much more can you find when you actually dip your hands to the actual released product.
Well.. it's a good thing that MS is following the footsteps of those who actually CAN make a good and userfriendly OS.
When the finished product arrives, we have more to gander.
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Apple borrows UI ideas from Microsoft, Microsoft borrows UI ideas from Apple, and the winners are the users, who care far more about the quality of an idea than who thought of it first.
In general, the most disturbing thing about the latest Vista beta is just how unpolished everything looks. I understand that this is a beta, not the final version etc., but if they're shooting for a Q4 launch, they really only have 6-9 months left before Vista goes gold. I'm optimistic, but somebody's got a lot of work ahead of them.
Granted, OS X looked like utter ass for several years and now looks great, so maybe I should cut them some slack.
I look forward to about 9-12 months from now when I will buy a Mac mini and install Vista on it. My that will be bliss.
Yesterday I tried looking at their site in Firefox 1.5 and it crashed my browser. So, I resorted to IE and it crashed IE, too.
It had to do with some quicktime exception. I was pretty surprised that they'd screw up so bad.
"They also copied the file-path thingy at the top of Explorer in Windows Vista from NeXT."
The reason for the Finder comment is that Finder is a Mac OS 9 ported app, the filebrowser for NeXT was different. It had a bar at the top showing the path back to the root, and they were all clickable icons. Just like the file path displayed when selecting an item in the search result list in Finder. They should have included it in every window, as it's really useful. And now if they do, people will think Apple copied MS. There's the Path button and the Proxy Icon, but it's not as efficient, especially since you can't drag to it. With it, dragging a file to the parent folder wouldn't be such a pain in the ass (go up, open folder in new window, drag).
Scroll down about half way to where it says:
The first notebook to deliver the Front Row media experience, MacBook Pro makes it easy (and rather spectacular) to showcase your latest...
Beside that text is a picture of a macbook pro. Click on that.
It will display a wacky quicktime movie that *should* show you some of the inner workings of the software. I was able to see the itunes video .. kind of... it was clunky and wierd. When I clicked to review the "Photos" presentation, my browsers crashed flat-out.